| ![]() MIL-H-45984B(AR)
within the thickness (width) of a graduation line. Caution
should be taken when rotating the knobs in one direction so as
not to introduce backlash. If override shall occur, repeat the
procedure with the applicable knob. At each 200 mil increment
the level vials shall be centered within the thickness (width)
of a graduation line and vertical line of the telescope
reticle shall not deviate more than the limits specified in
s.3.2.2.c throughout the range of zero to 899 mils. Continue
the above procedure starting at 900 roils to 1.275 mils in 200 mil
increments. For the higher elevations, deviation shall not
exceed the limits specified in Aliqnment of telecope M138, mount M1.72 and quadrant
M1.8 .
a. The cannon tube shall be set at zero elevation.
place a calibrated gunner's quadrant on the pads provided on the
mount. The elevation pads shall be parallel to the cannon tube
within the limits specified in
b. Set the quadrant to read 0000. The elevation level
vial bubble shall be centered within the limits specifid in, as measured with the calibrated gunner's quadrant. Quadrants M17/M18 elevation counter accuracy.
Prior to proof firing, the elevation counter's accuracy shall
not exceed the deviation limit specified in, excluding
backlash at any cannon tube elevation setting. Subsequent to
proof firing, the deviation shall not exceed maximum limit
specified in, excluding backlash.
Backlash-quadrants M17/M18. The elevation knobs on
each quadrant shall be tested for maximum allowable backlash at
any elevation setting. Backbash;)
clockwise and counterclockwise directions.
measurements shall be taken using a calibrated gunner's
quadrant. Backlash shall not exceed the limit specified in Operability and illumination. Mounted fire control
shall have a visual and tactile examination for knob function to
detect looseness, binding or excessive torque. Counters shall
operate properly and the numerals shall be legible and readable
at light levels ranging from dusk into darkness. Level vial
bubbles and graduation lines shall be clear and discernible at
light levels ranging from dusk into darkness. Radioactive
illuminated retitles in the panoramic and elbow telescopes shall
have clear and concise line patterns that are discernible at
light levels ranging from dusk into darkness. Off carriage fire
control shall be examined in the same manner as indicated above.
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