| ![]() MIL-H-48408A(Mu) Flow soldering. - Flow soldering shall be in accordance with
MIL-S-46844 and MIL-S-45743.
3.3 Performance.
3.3.1 Interchangeability.- The high voltage power supply module
shall meet all of the requirements of this specification and shall be
interchangeable with all other power supply modules such that the re-
placement of any other module shall in no way cause incompatibility with
the requirements of this specification.
3.3.2 Environmental. Temperature storage.- Module to meet requirements of 3.3.3
subsequent to 0 being exposed and thermally stabilized at temperatures of
-650 and +155 Fahrenheit (F). Operating temperature.- Module to meet requirements of 3.3.3
while being exposed to temperatures of OF to 100F. Vibration. - Module to be mounted as used. Test per MIL-
STD-81O, Method 514.2, Procedure VIII, Curve V, Figure 514.2-6 resonance
dwell not required. Module shall meet requirements of 3.3.3 subsequent
to this test. Shock. - Test per MIL-STD-81O, Method 516.2, Procedure I,
Figure 516.2-1, Note 1. Module to meet requirement of 3.3.3 subsequent
to this test. Humidity. - Test per MIL-STD-810, Method 507.1, Procedure IV,
Figure 507.1-3, chamber temperature not to exceed 155F. Module to meet
requirement of 3.3.3 after this test. Fungus. - Test per MIL-STD-810, Method 508.1, Procedure I.
Power supply modules to meet requirements of 3.3.3 subsequent to this test.
3.3.3 Operation. No load voltage. - When 24 6 VDC is applied to Pin "J" of
Connector "Pi, and Pins "L" and "E" are grounded, the output voltage mea-
sured between Connectors XA3P1 and XA3P2 shall be 9.0 1.0K VDC. (Refer-
ence Figure 1). Adjust Resistor R106 as required. The power supply module
neon lamp shall be illuminated. Full load current. - When 24 + 6 VDC is applied to Pin "J" of
connector P1, Pins "L" and "E" are grounded and a total resistance of
195.7K * 2% OHMS is connected in series with a 1 - 10 milliampere meter
between Connectors XA3P1 and XA3p2, the full load current as read on the
meter shall be 6 0.3 milliamperes. The voltage measured between Pin "M"
and Pin "A" of Connector "J1" shall be 95 20 VDC when a neon lamp
(MS 25252-C7A) is connected in series with a 68K 10% resistor across
Pins "M" and "A". The voltage measured between Pins "M" and "E" shall be
230 + 10 VDC (Reference Figure 1).
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