| ![]() MIL-H-62185(AT) Unclassified defects. All defects having no bearing on function, safety,
interchangeability or life, but are considered departures from good workmanship will be noted in
writing. Workmanship deficiencies falling within this category and recurring in 5 consecutive lots
or ten lots or more within a thirty-day period will be added to the minor classification with no
increase in AQL's.
4.5 Classification of tests.
(a) Acceptance tests, through
(b) Control tests, 4.5.2 through
(a) Comparison test (CT), through
4.5.1 Tests. Acceptance tests. To determine conformance to 3.6, after the break-in run (see 3.5),
each vehicle shall be operated for a distance of eight miles or more and shall be inspected as
specified in 4.4.2. These acceptance tests shall include all acceptance tests specified at the place
of manufacture in table VI. Vehicles shall be completely assembled and serviced, with fuel,
lubricants, and fluid as specified, but need not be combat loaded, except holding and flotation
tests as specified in and For these tests, vehicles shall be operated on roads as
specified. The acceptance tests for the automotive and cab control and gun control system may
be ran simultaneously where applicable. After the tests, the vehicle shall be examined for evidence
of fuel lubricant leakage, or other deficiencies. Test failure. If a vehicle fails to pass any acceptance test specified herein, the
Government inspector shall stop acceptance of subsequent lots until evidence has been provided
by the contractor that the corrective action has been taken.
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