| ![]() MIL-H-63192 (AR)
Markings shall be applied using stencil paint in accordance
with TT-P-98 or pressure sensitive adhesive materials in
accordance with MIL-M-43719.
A1l letters and numerals shall be of the gothic style and
of the maximum practical size unless otherwise specified.
Colors shall be as specified in accordance with FED-STD-595.
3.6 Reliability, maintainability and durability.-Howitzers
manufactured in accordance with this specification shall be free
from any defects that compromise, limit or reduce the howitzer
capability specified herein and may be subject to examination
and test by the Government to prove howitzer capabilities and
performance in accordance with the following:
specified va ue of 2000 mean rounds between failure (MRBF) and
a minimum acceptable value of 1200 MRBF as defined in AR 702.3.
3.6.2 Maintainability.-The maintainability requirement
is 0.5 hours for mean time to repair (MTTR) at the organizational
and 2.0 hours for direct support.
3.6.3 Durability.-The durability requirement is 15,000
Equivalent Full charge (EFC) rounds without rebuild or overhaul
3.7 Regulations pertaining to radioactive devices.-Marking,
identification, handling and shipping of radioactive devices
shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1458.
3.8 Workmanship.-Workmanship and finish shall be in
accordance with the highest practice used in manufacturing
military weapons.
Finished items and parts shall not exhibit
poor material and processing such as seams, laps, laminations,
cracks, visible steps, sharp edges, nicks, scratches? burrs,
deformations and missing operations which may affect service-
abillty, functioning, operation, appearance or safety.
Fin and
other extraneous metal shall be removed from cast or forged
Hammering to shape, salvage operations (including repair
by welding) or other similar practices shall not be permitted
without prior approval of the contracting efficer-
4.1 Responsibility for inspection.-Unless otherwise speci-
fied in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is respon-
sible for the performance of all inspection requirements as
specified herein.
Except as otherwise specified in the contract
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