| ![]() MIL-H-85042A(AS)
(Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, and
publications required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition
functions should be obtained from the contracting activity as directed by
the contracting officer.)
2.1.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of
this specification and this references cited herein, the text of this
specification shall take precedence.
3.1 First article. The bomb rack hooks, hereinafter called hooks, furnished
under this specification, shall be a product which has been inspected and
passed the first article inspection specified herein (see 4.3).
3.2 Selection of specifications and standards. Specifications and standards
for necessary commodities and services not specified herein shall be selected
in accordance with MIL-STD-143.
3.3 Interchangeability. All hooks having the same part number shall be
directly and completely interchangeable with each other with respect to
installation and performance.
3.4 Identification of parts. All hooks shall be marked as specified on the
drawing for the hook being procured in accordance with MIL-STD-130, if not
specified on the drawings. The item identification and part number
requirements of DOD-STD-100 shall govern the part number and changes thereto.
3.5 Construction. The construction of the hooks shall be in accordance with
drawings for the hook being procured and as specified herein (see 6.2g).
3.5.1 Machining and grinding of hooks. Care shall be exercised during the
machining of the hooks to prevent irregularities and tool marks on the hooks,
especiallv in the throat area and inside the pivot hole. All grinding shall
be longitudinal to the hook, and in no case across the throat of the hook,
3.6 Performance. The hooks satisfy all performance requirements when
subjected to the following inspectionsin the order specified in Tables III
and IV:
Inspection, Hooks (4.6.1)
Magnetic Particle Inspection (4.6.2)
Ultimate Load (4.6.3)
Dynamic Load (4.6.4)
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