| ![]() MIL-H-8891A
Universal fittings - Universal fittings shall not be
used in hydraulic systems unless written approval is obtained from the
procuring activity.
F1OW dividers - Flow dividers shall not be used if the
effect of a malfunction of the flow divider would result in an unsafe flight
Flow regulators - Flow regulators may be installed in
the hydraulic system to limit the rate of fluid flow. The direction and
rate of fluid flow shall be clearly indicated on the flow regulator and the
adjacent structure. Regulators used under continuous dynamic conditions
shall not adversely affect the operation of the hydraulic system.
Protective devices - Hydraulic fuses, circuit breakers,
reservoir level sensors, or other similar devices may be used to meet sur-
vivability requirements established by the procuring activity. The specific
application of such devices shall be subject to the approval of the procuring
activity. Premature or inadvertent shutoff or any other malfunction of such
devices during any flow or pressure variations or any conditions of system
operation is a design requirement. The function and reliability of such devices
shall be demonstrated in the functional mockup and simulator. (Ref. par. 3.1.3)
Snubbers - Pressure snubbers shall be used with all
hydraulic pressure transmitters, hydraulic pressure switches, and hydraulic
pressure gages. Pneumatic pressure gages are excluded from this require-
Manually operated pumps - Where a manually operated
pump is required, either a hand-actuated or foot-actuated pump shall be
selected, based on trade-off studies. In installations where the pump can
be operated by personnel in a standing position, strong consideration shall
be given to a foot pump to minimize physical exertion.
Manually operated pump installation - The handle of the
hand pump shall be so arranged that it will not be necessary for the pilot to
lower or turn his head from the line of necessary flight vision to actuate
the pump.
Manually operated pump suction line - No screen or filter
shall be used in the suction line of the pump. The suction line shall be of
suitable diameter o and length to insure priming a dry pump and obtaining full-
rated flow at -65 F temperature with 12 complete cycles at a rate of 20
cycles per minute. The pump circuit shall be capable of full priming and
rated flow in flight at the highest altitude at which pump operation is
essential and intended.
Manually operated pump check valve - A standard check
valve shall be provided in the pump pressure line.
Hand pump handle length - The effective operating handle
length of hand pumps shall be such that the handle load shall not exceed 75
pounds, The sweep envelope of this handle travel at the handgrip shall not
exceed 18. radial inches.
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