| ![]() MIL-H-904J
3.3.5 Hooks, yokes, crossheads, and bars. Hooks shall withstand the applicable tests specified
in 4.7.1 through 4.7.9. Except for the type I hook the hook shank and the bearing surface of the
hook the swivel, the yoke, the crosshead, and bars shall be finished in such a manner as to permit
rotating of the unloaded hoist or load hook without twisting the chain. Positive means shall be
provided to prevent the load hook from loosening due to rotation of the load. Hooks. The load and hoist-support hooks shall be forged steel and shall conform to
type I, II, III, or IV of figure 1. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), load and hoist support hooks
shall be fitted with a swivel and a hook throat opening safety device. The safety device shall consist
of a spring latch (style 1) or swivel closure (style 2) to bridge the throat opening and shall be
attached to, or be integral with, the hook types shown on figure 1. Hook throat openings shall
conform to the dimensions shown in table I. The safety device shall be constructed of non-
corrosive metal or metal with a corrosion-resistant finish as specified in 3.3.23.
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