| ![]() MIL-I-23453(WEP)
The igniters shall meet the performance characteristics specified in 3.4,
Sequential Tests. - Eight igniters shall be selected at random from
the preproduction lot and divided into two groups of four igniters each, designated
Groups IV and V. The igniters shall be subjected to tests as Indicated in the follow- -
ing paragraphs.
Group IV.
Vibration Tests. - Each igniter in Group IV shall be conditioned
at -85F and vinrated at -85F with o nominal frequency of 30 cycles per second
at an applied double amplitude of 0.060 0.002 inch peak to peek for-eight hours
at each of the three mutually perpendicular axis. Each igniter shall I then be condi-
tioned to 175F and vibrated at 175F with a nominal frequency of 30 cycles per se-
cond at an applied double amplitude of 0.060 0.002 inch peak to peak for eight
hours at each of the three mutually perpendicular axis.
Temperature Cycling Tests. - Following vibration each igniter
shall be temperature cycled from -85F to 175F for three complete cycles. Each
unit shall be conditioned at each successive temperature a minimum of eight hours,
with a maximum time of 10 minutes between temperature changes.
Performance Test. - After completion of the last cycle each igniter
shall be fired at -85F in accordance with 4.6.2. The performance of each unit shall
comply with the requirements of 3.4.
Group V.
Vibration Tests. - Each igniter in Group V shall be conditioned
at 175F and vibrated at 175F with a nominal frequency of 30 cycles per second
at an applied double amplitude of 0.060 * 0.002 inch peak to peak for eight hours
at each of the three mutually perpendicular axis. Each igniter will II then be condi-
tioned to -85F and vibrated at -85F with a nominal frequency of 30 cycles per
second at an applied doubt e amplitude of 0.060 0.002 inch peak to peak for eight
hours at each of the three mutually perpendicular axis.
Temperature Cycling Tests. - Following vibration each igniter
shall be temperature cycled from 175F to -85F for three complete cycles. Each
unit shall I be conditioned at each successive temperature a minimum of eight hours,
with a maximum time of ten (10) minutes between temperature changes.
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