| ![]() MIL-I-23453(WEP)
Dimensional Inspection. - A sample shall be selected from each
lot in accordance with the provisions of MIL -STD-I05A, inspection level II, nor-
mal inspection, single sampling. The sample shall be inspected for compliance with
applicable dimensional requirements of drawings listed in LD 537849 to an Accept-
able Quality Level (AQL) of 1.5.
Performance Tests. - A sample shall I be selected from each lot,
test at -85 F and +175F, in accordance with the provisions of Ml L-STD-414, in-
spection level IV, normal inspection with variability unknown -standard deviation
method. Each unit shall be tested in accordance with 4.6.2 and shall comply with
the requirements of 3.4. Failure of the sample to comply with the acceptability
limits for on AQL of 0.15 shall constitute rejection of the lot.
Test Methods.
Electrical Resistance Test. - The resistance and continuity of the
completed igniter shall I be measured between the igniter grounding post and the ig-
niter cable assembly. A resistance testing circuit which subjects the igniter to less
than 10 milliamperes shall I be used. Resistance measurements shall be made with a
suitable meter having an accuracy of 0.005 ohms.
Performance Test.
The igniter shall be installed in an igniter test chamber fabricated
in accordance with Figure 1 and having a free volume of 610 6 cubic inches. The
igniter shall be fired electrically with not less than 15 nor more than 20 amperes of
current flowing l
A record of chamber pressure versus time shall be obtained for each
test in the Igniter test chamber. This record shall have a minimum time resolution of
0.001 second and minimum pressure resolution of 10 psi and shall consist of a continu-
ous recording from the instant that current is applied to the igniter until maximum pres-
sure is attained.
Preservation and packaging.
In addition to the following Level A packaging shall be in accordance
with the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR 71-78.
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