| ![]() MIL-I-24078(SHIPS)
Identical instantaneous alternating current (a. c.) polarities for all
3. 25.9 Transformer polarities
power transformers shall be obtained at physically identical transformer terminals on all stations when
all stations are energized from the same source.
3.26 Amplifier. -
3.26.1 Transistors and metallic rectifiers. - Transistors shall be used in the design of all amplifiers.
Transistors shall be types chosen from approved types listed in MIL-STD-701. Power rectifiers shall be
chosen from approved types listed in MIL-STD-200.
3.26.2 Printed wiring. - Printed wiring if used, shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-275 and type
C lead terminations shall be employed.
3.26.3 Protection of signal voltage winding of power transformer. - Fuses shall be incorporated in
the signal voltage circuit to prevent damage to the windings of the transformer due to defective signal
voltage circuits. Fuses shall be inserted in each lead of the primary power supply in the unit.
3.26.4 Capacitors. - Tantalum electrolytic capacitors conforming to MIL-C-3965 shall be used in the
amplifier assemblies. Electrolytic capacitors in accordance with MIL-C-62 may be used in power supply filter
circuits only.
3.26.5 Personnel protection. - In the case of voltages in excess of 240 volts, a red warning plate
shall be mounted in a conspicuous location in accordance with MIL-I-983.
3.26.6 Heat dissipation. - Components which generate heat shall be mounted to allow maximum heat
dissipation through the external case.
3.26.7 Rated power output. - Rated power output shall be 3 watts at a maximum distortion of 10
3.26.8 Output voltage. - The output voltage when delivering rated power shall be 70 volts 4 volts
root mean square (r. m.s. ).
3.26.9 Amplifier gain. - The amplifier gain shall be sufficient to deliver rated output power at rated
output voltage with a total harmonic distortion of 10 percent with a 1000 cycle sine wave voltage equivalent
in value to the voltage generated by the loudspeaker, when used as a microphone under the test conditions
specified in 4. 6.2 applied to the input terminals of the amplifier. The amplifier gain shall be such that the
amplifier will also deliver rated output power at rated output voltage when tested with a type IC/MPM-4
microphone or equivalent which will be capable of delivering 8.7 millivolt (rev. ) into a resistive load of
150 ohms.
3.26.10 Output voltage regulation. - With a steady state sine wave input voltage, of the same value
used to determine amplifier gain, applied to the input terminals of the amplifier, a variation of the ampli-
fier output load from full load to no load shall not cause the output voltage to exceed 99 volts r. m.s. at any
frequency between 200 and 8000 cycles per second (c. p.s. ).
3.26.11 Stability. - The amplifier shall show no evidences of instability of oscillation under any
condition of operation.
3.26.12 Amplifier noise and microphonics. - The amplifier noise and microphonics shall not exced
the following values when tested as specified in 4.6.7.
(a) Component stationary. - Maximum measured voltage shall not exceed 0.22 volts r. m.s. (50
db below rated output voltage of 70 volts).
(b) Component vibrating. - Maximum measured voltage shall not exceed 0.31 volts r. m.s. (47 db
below rated output voltage of 70 volts).
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