| ![]() MIL-I-24078(SHIPS)
3.26.13 Overall frequency response. - The overall frequency response using the loudspeaker as a
microphone shall fall within the limits of the overall frequency response curves shown on figure 2 when
tested as specified in 4.6.4 and 4.6.5.
3.26.14 Minimum sound pressure. - The loudspeaker, when mounted in the front panel, shall be
capable of producing the following minimum sound pressure at a distance of 2 feet in front of and on axis
with the loudspeaker when measured as specified in 4.6.3.
200 to 320
320 to 500
500 to 800
800 to 1250
1250 to 2000
2000 to 3200
3200 to 5000
1/ Above 0.000200 dynes per Cm2.
3.26.15 Amplifier endurance. - After being tested as specified in 4.6.6, the equipment shall be
capable of normal operation in every respect. There shall be no visible damage to any electrical or
mechanical component of the equipment.
3.26.16 Signaling circuits. - The busy, and call signals shall not fail to indicate nor shall speech
transmission be audible at a station receiving a busy signal when tested as specified in 4.6.8.
3.26.17 Amplifier output circuits. - The paralleling of amplifier output circuits which can occur if
two stations call a third station simultaneously shall not cause a loss of signal greater than 2 db, nor
shall the distortion exceed the maximum allowable distortion.
3.27 Test fixture. - A test fixture for testing type LS-518( )/SIC and type LS-519( )/SIC stations
shall be included in the maintenance e parts. When a preproduction model of the equipment covered by this
specification is submitted to a Government laboratory for testing a test fixture shall be submitted with the
model for use in testing. The arrangement of the test fixture and method of fastening to the station unit
shall be such that the test fixture can be easily attached to the back of the unit when the unit is removed
from its enclosure. A portable power cable shall be furnished with the test fixture. The test fixture shall
be designed to permit testing of the call lamp circuit, release lamp circuit, busy lamp circuit, polarity,
amplifier and reproducer operation, audio circuit through each station selector switch, hands free reply
circuit operation, and other tests that may be applicable. There shall be provision for applying a dummy
load on the amplifier for servicing.
3.28 Designation and marking. - An instruction plate containing abridged operating instructions shall
be provided on the outside of the enclosure. Schematic circuit diagrams shall be provided and mounted
inside the enclosure so as to be usable in servicing the unit. The circuit diagram plates may be of alu-
minum or plastic material. Designation plates shall be provided for all control knobs. These plates shall
be located adjacent to the knobs and shall clearly indicate the function and direction of rotation of the knobs.
3.29 Equipment repair parts. - Equipment repair parts shall be in accordance with MIL-E -17362.
3.30 Manuals. - The manual shall be type I in accordance with MIL-M-15071. The manual shall cover
the equipment specified herein, and shall include microphone and handset operating techniques. The manual
shall contain preliminary drawings, working drawings, and an illustrative schematic showing the inter-
connection of stations and a sufficient portion of the internal wiring of each station to enable a reader to
determine the operation of the switches and relays and to service and install the equipment.
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