| ![]() MIL-I-46390(MU)
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings,
connecting box shall meet the requirements
and publications required by suppliers in connec-
of 3.6.
tion with specific procurement functions should be
obtained from the procuring activity or as directed
3.5.2 Shock. The interconnecting box
by the contracting officer.) " `
shall withstand 3 shock impulses in each
of the three mutually perpendicular direc-
tions. . The acceleration of the shock im-
3.1 Fabrication. T h e interconnecting
pulses shall be 20 gravity units (G's). Pulse
duration of each shock impulse shall be 11
box shall be manufactured in accordance
+ 1 milliseconds. Subsequent to shock the
with Drawing F8932942 and drawings per-
interconnecting box shall meet the require-
taining thereto.
ments of 3.6,
3.2 General specification. The intercon-
3.5.3 Temperature.
necting box shall meet the requirements of
Specification MIL-F-18926, as specified be- Operating. The interconnecting
low. Should any conflict exist between the
box shall meet the requirements of 3.6 when
general specification and this specification,
t h e r m a l l y stabilized at ambient tempera-
this specification shall take precedence,
t u r e s of 30 0F and + 145 0F .
(a) Order of precedence.
3 . 5 . 3 . 2 storage. The interconnecting box
(b) Dimensions and tolerances.
s h a l l meet the requirements of 3.6 at an
a m b i e n t temperature of between 60F to
(c) I n o r g a n i c protective surface . fin-
9 00F after having been thermally stabilized
a t ambient temperatures of --65 OF and
-f- 165F.
(d) P a r t identification and `marking.
3.5.4 Humudity. The interconnecting box
(e) Workmanship,
shall meet the requirements of 3.6, after
being subjected to five 12-hour `relative
3.3 Wires. Wires shall be free of nicks.
humidity (RH) cycles; each cycle consist-
ing of the following conditions:
3.4 Dressing. Wire shall not be dresssed
(a) Water shall have a PH factor of
so that it touches resistors of two watts
between 6.6 and 7.5 at 77 F.
or over.
(b) Exposure of 6 hours at 95% RH;
3.5 Environmental service conditions.
4 1 /2 hours of which shall be at
an ambient temperature of
3.5.1 Vibration. The interconnecting
1 1 50F .
box shall withstand a vibration of a simple
harmonic motion having an amplitude of
(c) A variation once each hour during
0.015 inch (0.03 inch total excursion). The
last 6 hours of + 9 F at an am-
frequency shall be varied uniformly be-
bient temperature of 80F',
tween the limits of 10 to 55 cycles per
second (cps) and return to 10 cycles. This
cycle shall be traversed in 8 minutes & 15
(d) A variation once each hour during
seconds. The motion shall be applied for a
last 6 hours from 95$% RH to
period of 20 minutes in each of the three
100% RH with condensation.
mutually perpendicular directions (total of
(Duration at 100% RH optional
60 minutes). During vibration the inter-
a n d need not coincide with
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