| ![]() MIL-I-46390(MU)
(b) No voltage shall exist at D, B, or
hourly phase temperature varia-
C of J6.
tion.) Stepping switch zero position.
3.5.5 Moisture - Fungus resistanee. The
With the relays K25 and K30 energized (B
interconnecting box shall be treated per
and F of J? shorted) and the stepping
Type II for moisture - and fungus-resist
switch in the zero position, the zero indica-
ance in accordance with Specification MIL-
tion lamp shall light and 28 Vdc shall exist
between pins S and T of J1.
3.6 Performance. The application of 28
3.6.3 Relay K26 ( arm-relay operation.
volts, direct current (Vdc) to pins A, B, C,
With relays K25 and K30 energized, and
and D of J4 shall prevail for all require-
pins Z and G of J1 shorted, the following
ments of 3.6 excepting 3.6.9. Pins A and
shall be exhibited:
B shall be polarized positive; pins C and D
shall be polarized negative. All symbols
(a) 28 Vdc shall exist between pins L
referred to are those shown on Drawing
and T of J1.
( b ) 28 Vdc shall no longer exist be-
t w e e n pins K and T of J1 (see
3.6.1 Reset button. With the reset
3.6.2(a) (10) ).
button depressed, the zero indication lamp
shall light and 28 Vdc shall exist between
3.6.4 Relay K2Y firing relay opera-
pins S and T of Jl, when the stepping
tion). With relays K25, K30 and K26
switch is in the zero position.
energized, and pins Z and X or A and B of
J1 shorted, 28 Vdc shall exist --
3.6.2 Relays K25 and K30 operation.
With pins B of J7, F of J7, and A of J1
(a) at the wiper arm of the stepping
electrically connected together, the followi-
ng shall be exhibited:
(b) between pins R and T of J1.
28 Vdc shall exist between --
(c) between J and L or K of J8.
(1) A and L of J8
Step switch operation. With the
(2) B and L of J8.
existing conditions of 3.6.4 and pins L, J
(3) A and K of J8.
and M of J1 shorted the following shall be
(4) B and K of J8.
(5) B and G of J?.
(a) The wiper-arm of the stepping
switch shall move from the zero
(6) D and G of J?.
to number one firing position,
(7) E and G of J?.
energizing relay K1.
(8) F and G of J7.
(b) The zero indication lamp shall not
(9) H and T of J1.
be illuminated.
(10) K and T of J1.
(c) The normally closed contacts of
(11) B and f of J1.
relay Kl, shunted across t h e
normally open contacts of Kl,
(12) Z and f of J1.
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