| ![]() MIL-I-48331A(AR)
4.5.15 Input resistance. The microcircuit shall be
connected as shown in figure 15. VDC shall be applied and the
voltage from terminals 5, 6, and 7 to ground shall be measured.
The voltages shall be as specified in Table II.
4.5.16 Output voltage, terminals 1, 3, 9 and 11 "1" output voltage. The output voltage on
terminals 1, 3, 9, and 11 shall be measured with the
microcircuit connected as shown in figure 16. Switch SW-1
shall be opened to measure the output voltage output on
terminals 1 and 9. Switch SW-1, shall be closed and BW-2 be
opened to measure the output on terminals 3 and 11. The
voltages shall be as specified in Table II.
4.5,16.2 "0" output voltage. The output voltage on
terminals 1, 3, 9, and 11 shall be measured by connecting the
device as shown in Figure 14. Switch, SW-1, shall be opened
and SW-2 closed to measure the voltage output on terminals 1
and 9. Switch SW-1, shall be closed and BW-2 shall be opened
to measure that output on terminals 3 end 11. The voltages
shall be as specified in Table II.
4.5.17 High termperature electrical parameters. The IC
(First article tests shall be tested. at eighty degrees
centigrade (+80C) for the specified electrical requirements
of Table IV. Any IC failing to comply with all of the
specified requirements of Table IV shall be classified
defective. Testing is non-destructive and only accepted IC's
shall be returned to the lot. The IC (Lot acceptance tests)
shall be performed at +60C and shall meet the requirements
of Table III.
4.5.18 Low temperature electrical parameters. The IC
(First article tests) shall be tested at minus fifty five
(-55C) degrees centigrade for the specified electrical
requirements of Table IV. The IC (Lot acceptance tests) shall
be performed at -40C and shall meet the requirements of
Table III.
4.5.19 Group C environmental test. For requirements see
paragraph 3.4. The integrated circuit shall be tested for the
requirements of paragraph on a continuing schedule of
at least once every 90 days while the device is being
produced. Testing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-883.
This testing is for informat ion only.
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