| ![]() MIL-I-60166(MU) Humidity.- This test shall be conducted in accordancee with the require-
ments specified in 3.5.5. Upon completion of this test the cover shall be removed
and the inverter shall show no evidence of damage or moisture, The inveter shall
then be subjected to the tests specified in 4.6.8 to inclusive to determine
compliance with 3.5.5.
4. 6.6,6 Rain. - This test shall be conducted in accordance with 3.5.6 and Fro-
cedure I of the Rain Test in Specification MIL-F-13926. Upon completion of this
test the inverter shall be visually examined for evidence of water penetration.
Subsequent to this test, the inverter shall be subjected to the tests specified
in 4.6.8 to inclusive to determine cornpliance with the requirements
referenced therein.
4.6.7 Electrical. Low input voltage protection. - This test shall be conducted using a
minimum simulated load of 150 VA. Energize the invertez with a positibe input
of 24 6 vdc applied to input terminals D & E (see Dwg. 10516412) and gradually
reduce this input voltage below 18 vdc. The inverter shall then be subjected to
one hour of continuous operation at the lowest input voltage below 18 vdc required
to sustain output power. Any output power, produced with this minimum input
voltage, shall be within the tolerances specified in Subsequent to the
application of this low input voltage, the inverter shall show no evidence of damages
in compliance with the requirements of Reverse polarity protection. - This test shall be conducted by applying
a voltage not to exceed minus 30 volts direct current to the input terminals D and E
with respect to terminal B of the inverter (see Dwg, 10516412). Subsequent to the
application of this voltage, the inverter shall show no evidence of damage in
compliance with the requirements of Short circuit and overload protection. - When energized, the inverter
shall be subjected to a direct short circuit and overload in the amount specified
in for a minimum of one minute. This short circuit and overload shall
cause the protective mediums in the inverter to open immediately upon application
of short circuit and overload and the inverter to cease to function. After re-
moval of the short circuit and overload, the inverter shall show no evidence of
damage. Isolation. - This test shall be conducted using standard measuring equip-
ment to check from the inverter housing to terminal B (see Dwg. 10516412) to
ascertain that the inverter housing is at ground potential in compliance with 3.6.2.
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