| ![]() 4.6.4 Circuitry. - The inverter shall be visually examined to insure inclusion
of the schematic in compliance with the requirements of 3.2.3. The schematic
shall be visually examined for true representation of the circuitry and applicable
drawings, including modules when applicable.
4.6.5 Reliability. - The inverter shall be properly positioned, secured, and
operated as specified in 3.4 to determine compliance with requirements therein,
Standard testing and measuring equipment shall be utiilized. Subsequent to this
test the inverter shall be subjected to the tests specified in 4.6.8 to 4. 6.8,6 inclusive
and shall meet the requirements referenced therein.
4.6.6 Environmental.
4.6.1 Temperature shock. - This test shall be conducted in accordance with the
temperatures specified in 3.5.1. Tests and performance measurements during tem-
perature cycling are not required for final acceptance. Upon completion of the 0speci-
fied temperature cycling, and return to standard. ambient temperature (60 to 90 "F),
the inverter shall be inspected for evidence of physical damage. It shall then be
subjected to the tests specified in 4.6.8 to inclusive to determine conformance
with the requirements referenced therein. Vibration. - This test shall be conducted in accordance with the motion
and amplitude specified in 3.5.2 shall be applied for a period of 10 minutes in each
of the three mutually perpendicular directions (total of 30 minutes). During
vibration the inverter shall be subjected to the tests specified in 4.6.8 to
inclusive and shall meet the requirements specified therein, Subsequent to
vibration the inverter shall be subjected to visual and tactile examination and shall
show no evidence of physical failure. Shock. - This test shall be conducted in accordance with Procedure I of
the shock test in Specification MIL-F-13926 and the conditions specified in 3.5.3.
Subsequent to the shock test the inverter shall be subjected to a visual and tactile
examination and shall show no evident e of physical failure. The inverter shall then
be subjected to the tests specified in 4.6.8 to and shall conform to the re-
quirements referenced therein. Salt spray. - This test shall be conducted in accordance with Method
101, Condition B, of Standard MIL-STD-202. Subsequent to the salt spray exposure
the inverter shall be subjected to a visual examination and shall show no evidence
of finish deterioration in compliance with the requirements of 3.5.7. The inverter
shall then be subjected to the tests specified in 4.6.8 to inclusive and shall
meet,the requirements referenced therein.
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