| ![]() MIL-I-70534(AR) Igniter composition. The method of determining the
percentage of moisture in the igniter composition shall be in
accordance with MIL-P-223 except to be heated until constant weight
is obtained for four (4) hrs. at 703C. Observation shall be
made for compliance with applicable requirement. Paper and paper products. The moisture content shall
be determined in accordance with Method 102.1.1 of Standard
MIL-STD-1234 except that a ten (10) gram sample shall be used and
the drying time shall be for two (2) hours.
(Ambient temperature, 21 3C, 70
4.5.3 Functioning.
5F, Hot, 51.5 3C, 125 5F, Cold, -32 3C, -25
5F). The igniter assemblies shall be conditioned for 12 hours
min. at the specified temperatures and fired within 5 minutes after
removal from the conditioning chamber. The igniter shall be
positioned on a rigid support and fired by means of an approved
power source specified in accordance with 3.4.2. observation shall
be made for compliance with the applicable requirement.
(Destructive test) Functioning time. The time from initiation of the VDC
shall be measured with approved metering equipment in accordance
with para. 4.4.4. The assembly shall be observed for compliance
with the requirements of 3.4.2.
4.5.4 Environmental tests. Environmental testing shall be
conducted to determine compliance with the requirements of 3.5. Low temperature. This test shall be conducted in
accordance with Method 502.2, Procedure I of MIL-STD-810, except
that the simulator shall be exposed to a temperature of -25 5F
until thermal stabilization is reached and maintained for a period
of 6 hours. (min.). Then the igniter shall be test fired. When
necessary, the test specimens may be removed from the conditioning
cabinet, set up, and fired within 5 minutes. observation shall be
made for compliance with the applicable requirement. High and ambient tempe rature. This test shall be
conducted in accordance with Method 501.2, Procedure I of
MIL-STD-810 except that the igniters shall be exposed to a
temperature of 125 5F until thermal stabilization is reached,
and maintained at that temperature for a period of 6 hours (min.).
Then the igniter shall be test fired. When necessary, the test
specimens may be removed from the conditioning cabinet, set up, and
fired within 5 minutes. observation shall be made for compliance
with the applicable requirement. Leak test. The test shall be performed in accordance
with the procedure specified in para. and of
Test samples shall be tested at a differential
pressure of 1.3 P.S.I for 30 seconds minimum.
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