| ![]() MIL-I-82532(OS)
3 . 1 General requirements. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
or order, all materials and treatments of materials and parts used in the manu-
facture of the igniter shall be in accordance with the requirements specified
herein and with the applicable documents listed in LD 497905.
3 . 2 Preproduction samples. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or
order, preproduction samples of the igniter shall be manufactured using the
methods and procedures proposed for production. The sample shall be tested as
specified in Section 4 herein and is for the purpose of determining that, prior to
starting production, the contractor's production methods are capable of yielding
items that comply with the technical requirements of the contract.
3 . 3 Performance and product characteristics.
The igniter shall meet the
following performance and product characteristics.
3.3.1 Nonfunctioning
3.3. 1.1 Electrical continuity and resistance. The electrical circuits of
each of the squibs shall be continuous, with resistances not less than 0.15 ohm
nor more than 0.22 ohm.
3 . 3 . 1 . 2 Insulation resistance. The resistance between the shorted lead
wires and the igniter case shall be not less than 20 megohms when a potential of
500 plus or minus 50 volts DC is applied prior to being subjected to the environ-
mental conditions of humidity test (3.4.4), fungus test (3.4.5), and salt spray
t e s t (3.4.6).
Airtightness. The leak rate of the igniter shall be not greater than
0.00001 cubic centimeter per second when subjected to a pressure differential of
2.00 plus or minus 0.25 pounds per square inch (psi).
3 . 3 . 2 Functioning
3 . 3 . 2 . 1 Case-opening time. The case-opening time as defined in 6.3.1,
shall be not less than 3 milliseconds (ins), nor more than 75 ms from the time
of initial application of an ignition current to each squib circuit equivalent to a
DC voltage of 2.0 plus or minus 0.1 volts across a 0.22 plus or minus 0.01 ohm
3 . 3 . 2 . 2 Flame duration. The total flame duration of the initiated igniter,
as defined in 6.3.2, shall be not less than 50 ms nor more than 400 ms. Minimum peak intensity The minimum peak intensity, as defined
in 6.3.3, shall be not less than 500, 000 candlepower.
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