| ![]() MIL-I-82532(OS)
3 . 4 Environmental requirements. Unless otherwise specified, the igniter
shall be capable of conforming to the performance and product characteristics of
this specification after being exposed to the environments and all conditions
specified herein.
3 . 4 . 1 Vibration. The igniter shall withstand vibration as specified for
Type I equipment in MIL-STD-167 up to 25 cps (cycles per second).
3.4.2 Shock, standby condition. The igniter shall withstand shocks of 40g
(g = units of gravitational acceleration) peak magnitude. The shocks shall have a
pulse shape approximating a one-half sine wave having a duration of 5 ms.
3 . 4 . 3 Temperature, storage condition. The igniter shall withstand tem-
peratures from minus 65 to plus 160 degrees F (Fahrenheit).
3 . 4 . 4 Humidity. The igniter shall withstand relative humidity up to 95
percent as specified in MIL-E-5272, Procedure I, and thereafter shall meet the
performance and product characteristics of this specification, except the require-
ment for insulation resistance as specified in and
3 . 4 . 5 Fungus. The igniter shall withstand fungus conditions as specified
in MIL-E-5272, Procedure I, and thereafter shall meet the functional character-
istics of 3.3.2.
3.4.6 Salt spray. The igniter shall withstand salt spray conditions as
specified in MIL-E-5272, Procedure I, and thereafter shall meet the functional
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of 3.3.2.
3 . 4 . 7 Temperature, operating condition. The igniter shall meet the func-
tional characteristics of 3.3.2 while at temperatures from 35 to 120 degrees F.
3 . 5 Workmanship. The workmanship and finish shall be of sufficiently
high grade to assure satisfactory operation consistent with the requirements of
this specification. All parts used in the assembly shall be thoroughly clean and
free of excess materials, chips, and loose or splattered foreign materials. The
standards of workmanship exhibited in any approved preproduction sample, sub-
ject to any qualification stated in the Government's notice of approval, shall be
determinative of the requirements of the contract relative to workmanship inso-
far as not specifically covered by applicable specifications.
4 . 1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the con-
tract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the
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