| ![]() MIL-I-82532(OS)
5.2 Packing.
Packing shall be Level A or C as specified (See 6.2c and
5.2.1 Level A. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, order, or
requisition, twelve unit packages, each containing one igniter packaged in
accordance with 5.1.1, shall be packed in exterior-type shipping container,
PPP-B-621, of uniform size and shape, with the minimum cube and tare con-
sistent with the protection required. The gross weight of each pack shall be
limited to approximately 100 pounds Containers shall be provided with a case
liner, MIL-L-10547, and shall be closed and strapped in accordance with
PPP-B-621. Containers shall conform to 49 CFR 73.92.
Cushioning. Each package shall be cushioned with material con-
forming to PPP-C-843, Type III.
5.2.2 Level C. The igniter, packaged in accordance with 5.1.2, shall be
packed or otherwise prepared for shipment to insure carrier acceptance and to
insure safe delivery to destination at the lowest applicable rate. Shipping con-
tainers shall conform to 49 CFR 73.92, or other carrier regulations appli-
cable to the mode of transportation.
5 . 3 M a r k i n g . In addition to any special marking required by the contract
or order, unit packages, intermediate packages, and shipping containers shall
be marked in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-129, and 49 CFR
73.92 (C) and (d).
6.1 Intended use and description.
6.1.1 Intended use. The igniter is intended to be used in
Motor Mk 1 Mod 0 or Mk 37 Mod 0.
6.1.2 Description. The igniter is an electrically initiated device designed
to produce a flame sufficient to ignite the propellent grain of a rocket motor.
The igniter consists of a steel case with a pressure tap hole for test purposes
in the forward end and a cavity filled with boron potassium nitrate pellets in the
aft end. The pellets are retained and protected by a concentrically corrugated
metal blowout disc soldered in place. Two electrically initiated squibs projecting
into the cavity provide a means of igniting the pellets.
6 . 2 Ordering data.
Procurement documents should specify the following:
Title, number, and data of this specification
b. Required level of preservation and packaging
Required level of picking
d. Any exceptions to this specification
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