| ![]() MIL-I-82532(OS)
6.2.1 Additional samples. Additional samples required because of failure
of any sample(s) to pass the prescribed inspections shall be provided and inspected
at the expense of the supplier.
6 . 3 Definitions. For the purpose of this specification the following defini-
tions have been established.
6 . 3 . 1 Case-opening time. Case-opening time is defined as the time
elapsed between the application of an electrical ignition current and the genera-
tion of an ignition flame intensity of 5, 000 candlepower
6.3.2 Flame duration. Flame duration is defined as the interval of time
the flame intensity remains above 200, 000 candlepower.
6 . 3 . 3 Peak intensity. Peak intensity is defined as the maximum flame
intensity produced by the igniter after ignition and case-opening.
6.3.4 Unit condition.
Operating is the condition of the igniter during missile
6 . 3 . 4 . 1 Operating.
6 . 3 . 4 . 2 Standby. Standby is the condition of the igniter when the igniter
is aboard ship and assembled with the end item.
6 . 4 Preparation for delivery criteria. Criteria for the use of the proper
level of preservation, packaging, and packing shall be as specified in FED-
6 . 5 General safety p r e c a u t i o n s . The loading, assembly, and handling of
explosives, ammunition, ammunition components, fuzes, detonators, primers,
tracers, boosters, pyrotechnics, etc., and subassemblies thereof, involve
hazardous operations and therefore require suitable explosives safety precautions.
Use of this specification shall not be construed as to relieve the contractor or
manufacturer of responsibility for the safety of his operations. Listed below are
the minimum provisions that a contractor or manufacturer (loader) of the above
items should observe in order to fulfill his responsibility for safety At Naval
Ordnance Systems Command and other Government plants, these provisions are
mandatory. Such other warnings and precautions, pertinent to the operational
effectiveness or safety during use or loading of the specified item, are included
in the detail provisions of the specification.
6.5.1 All loading operations should be conducted in a neat and orderly
6.5.2 Safe equipment and methods should be utilized for transporting and
handling explosives and loaded parts. Where required, remote control barricaded
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