| ![]() MIL-I-85365(AS)
4 6b 10 First article performance test. Fifteen igniters shall be test fired at 0" F and
fifteen teen at +140" F in accordance with the testing schedule of Figure 1. The requirements
of 3.4 shall be evaluated at each temperature in accordance with Table B-3 of MIL-STD-414
using an AQL of 0.65 percent.
4.6.11 Transportation, shock, storage, and handling. Three igniter packs, prepared as
specified in Section 5, shall be subjected to the appropriate rough handling tests specified
in OR 10 or OR 11.
4.7 Quality conformance tests.
4.7.1 Visual examination test. The igniters shall be examined for conformance to 3.1.
4.7.2 Circuit resistance test. After the completion of the igniter assembly, the igniter
circuit shall be checked for circuit resistance in accordance with the requirements of 3.3.
Not more than 0.005 ampere shall be applied to the igniter circuit during the test.
4.7.3 Perform ante test.
4.7.3,1 Test equipment required. The following test equipment shall be used for
performance tests:
a. Test chamber shall be in accordance with Drawing 1255AS141. Condition
the test chamber to 70 35 F before firing the igniter.
b. Reluctance type pressure pickups with 8-inch maximum length, 1/4-inch inside
diameter air filled line for connection to test chamber.
c. Recording oscillograph, Type 5-114, Consolidated Engineering Corporation,
Pasadena, California, or equal.
d. Necessary couplings.
e. Twenty-eight volt d .c. power supply.
4,7.3.2 Temperature conditioning. The igniters selected in shall be condi-
tioned to the applicable temperature for a minimum of 6 hours. Igniters shall be fried with-
in 5 minutes after removal from the conditioning unit. If they are not fired within this
time, the y shall be returned for reconditioning for an additional 6 hours. Power supp ly. Igniters shall be fired using a" 28-volt power supply and current
of 13 2 amperes as delivered to the igniter circuit.
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