| MIL-I-85365(AS) Recorded data A pressure time curve shall be reduced from the oscillograph
records, and a permanent record made of the parameters specified in 3.4. All time measure-
ments shall be made at, or referred to, the instant the electrical firing circuit is closed.
Ambient prefiring pressure shall be the reference datum for all pressure measurements.
4.8. Acceptance criteria. The failure to meet the performance requirements due to
a malfunction attributed directly to the test apparatus shall not be cause for rejection of
the lot. A new sample shall be drawn and the test rerun. A malfunction of the igniter
hardware that occurs during the performance tests shall be reported to the procuring
activity with details of the malfunction.
4.8.1 Production acceptance. General and circuit measurements. The acceptable quality level (AQL) for
general examination acceptance shall be as follows.
a. Critical
100 percent inspection
b. Major
AQL 1.00 percent
AQL 2.50 percent
c. Minor Performance requirements. The test results shall meet the requirements of
3.4 with samples selected in accordance with MIL-STD-414 14, Table B-3.
51 Preservation and packaging.
5.1.1 Level A. In addition to the following, Level A packaging shall be in accordance
with 49 CFR 171-177. Cleaning, drying, and preservative application. Cleaning, drying, and pre-
servative application shall be in accordance with applicable drawings and specifications
listed m DL 1255A1 14. Unit packaging. Unit packaging of the igniters shall be in accordance with
Drawing 1255AS1 33.
5.2 Packing.
5.2.1 Level A. In addition to the following, Level A packing shall be in accordance
with 49 CFR 171-177.
5.2.2 Exterior containers. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
order, eight loaded assembly igniters packaged m accordance with shall be packed
in accordance with Drawing 1255AS1 33.
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