| ![]() MIL-I-85889(AS)
f. Number of times phase will occur; intermittence of phase
g. Probability of occurrence of environmental conditions
h. Geographical location
i. Any other information which will help identify environmental conditions which may act upon the igniter,
The contractor shall include recommendations for the following:
Storage temperature lower limit (STLL)
Storage temperature upper limit (STUL)
Operating temperature lower limit (OTLL)
Operating temperature upper limit (OTUL)
The contractor shall determine whether helicopter transport is a part of the life cycle. Results of the life cycle
environmental analysis shall be made available to the contracting activity for acceptance Environmental design criteria and test plan. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor
shall devise a plan which defines the specific environmental design and teat requirements and includes an
environmental test plan for Phases II and Ill. The contractor shall utilize the data obtained under provisions of
Consideration shall be given to the following:
a. Probability of environmental occurrence alone or in combination
b. Expected effects and failure modes
c. Effect on hardware performance and mission success
d. Likelihood of problem's disclosure by the test methods
e. Occurrence of similar environmental stress in more than one life profile phase
f. Experience gained from other equipment similarly deployed
The plan shall be made available to the contracting activity for acceptance. Structural analysis. The contractor shall conduct a structural analysis of the igniter design considering
the effects of pressure loads. acceleration loads, and any other significant sources of stress. The contractor shall
include in the analysis all components which contribute to the structural integrity of the igniter. Results of the structural
analysis shall be documented in the Design Development Report (see Thermal analysis. The contractor shall conduct a thermal analysis of the igniter design. The contractor
shall consider the combined effects of self-generated heat as well as any significant external heat sources. The
contractor shall consider all components which may serve as heat paths or which maybe severely degraded by
excessive heat. Results of the thermal analysis shall be documented in the Design Development Report (see 4.2.35).
4.2.25 Ballistic analysis. The contractor shall conduct a ballistics analysis of the igniter design to define
expected perormance. The contractor shall consider the effects of the operating temperature limits. Maximum
expected operating pressure (MEOP) shall be caluclated as part of the ballistics analysis. Results of the ballistics
analysis shall be documented in the Design Development Report (see 4.2.35). Interface analysis. The contractor shall conduct an interface analysis of the igniter design to demonstrate
that it satisifes all mechanical and electrical interface requirements. Results of the interface analysis shall be
documented in the Design Development Report (see 4.235).
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