| ![]() MIL-I-85889(AS) Review agenda. When specified in the contract or order, the contractor shall provide the agenda for
the Functional Configuration Audit. The agenda shall set forth the place, time, date purpose, and objectives of
the audit. The agenda shall be made available to the contracting activity no later than 30 days prior to the Functional
Configuration Audit. Functional Configuration Audit. When specified in the contract or order, and at the conclusion of
the Phase Ill effort, the contractor shall conduct a Functional Configuration Audit in accordance with MIL-STD-1521.
Upon satisfactory completion of the Functional Configuration Audit and the acceptance of all documentation, the
contracting activity will certify that Phase Ill is complete. Review minutes. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor shall prepare a record of the
results of the Functional Configuration Audit. A draft copy of the review minutes shall be made available to the
contracting activity for review and comment no later than 30 days following the review. The final review minutes
shall be distributed no later than 15 days after receipt of the contacting activity's comments.
4.45 Configuration control. At the inception of Phase III, and when specified in the contract or order, the
configuration control procedures of DOD-STD-480 shall be instituted. Class 1 Engineering Change Proposals shall
be made available to the contracting activity for acceptance. Class II Engineering Change Proposals may be
implemented by the contractor provided the contracting activity concurs with the assigned classification.
4.4.6 Reliability assessment. Reliability program. The contractor shall update the reliability program using MIL-STD-785 as a guide.
Each igniter tested in Phase Ill shall be evaluated for reliability. If any igniter fails during one of these tests, the
contractor shall diagnose the failure to root causes and provide corrective actions acceptable to the contracting
activity. Reliability growth curve. The reliability growth curve shall be updted throughout Phase III to assess
the igniter demonstrated (pass/fail) reliability at 90 percent confidence.
4.5 Test/inspection methods.
4.5.1 Inspections. Visual inspection. After assembly and after each environmental treatment, each igniter shall be visually
inspected for evidence of degradation. Results of the visual inspection shall be recorded. Radiographic inspection. After assembly and after each environmental treatment, each test item shall
be radiographically inspected in accordance with the approved radiographic inspection procedure (see
Any discrepancy including charge imperfection, defective material, missing or misplaced internal components, shall
be cause for rejection of the test item. Circuit resistance. After assembly and after each environmental treatment, the resistance of each igniter
shall be measured and recorded. Operation of safing-arming device. After assembly and after each environmental treatment, the safing-
arming device of each igniter shall be exercised to verify proper operation. Results of this inspection shall be recorded Other inspections and examinations. The contractor shall carry out all provisions of the approved quality
assurance plan in fabricating the test items.
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