| ![]() MIL-I-85889(AS) Safety test report. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor shall prepare a safety test
report which documents the results of hazard assessment tests (see The report shall be made available
to the contracting activity no later than 60 days prior to the Functional Configuration Audit. Test readinees review. When specified in the contractor order and prior to the initiation of qualification
testing, the contractor shall hold a test readiness review with the participation of the contracting activity. The contractor
shall present data to demonstrate the following:
a. The test objectives are achievable
b. The test article's quality and "as-built" configuration are documented and traceable to serialized components
c. The test methodology is consistent with the test objectives
d. The test objectives and metholdology are understood by the supporting activities Nomenclature request. When specified in the contract or order, the contractor shall prepare a
Nomenclature Assignment Request (NAVSEA 5030/1) for a MARK number in accordance with MIL-STD-1661. The
request shall be made available via the contracting activity no later than 60 days prior to the Functional Configuration
Audit. Hazard classification data package. When specified in the contractor order the contractor shall prepare
a hazard classification package consisting of:
a. Safety Test Report
b. DD Form 2231 (per NAVSEAINST 8020.8)
c NATO Data Card (per NAVSEAINST 8020.8)
d. Other supporting data which will be sufficient for the appropriate Department of Defense Agency
Headquarters (i.e., NAVAIR Safety Office) to assign a final hazard classification to the igniter.
The data package shall be made available to the contracting activity no later than 30 days prior to the Functional
Configuration Audit. WSESRB data package. When specified m the contractor order, the contractor shall prepare a Weapon
System Explosives Safety Review board (WSESRB) data package in accordance with NAVAIRINST 5100.7. The
data package shall provide the necessary information to demonstrate that the igniter satisfies all safety requirements.
The data package shall be made available to the contracting activity no later than 60 days prior to the Functional
configuration Audit. WSESRB presentation. When specified in the contractor order, the contractor shall prepare a Weapon
System Explosives Safety Review Board (WSESRB) presentation in accordance with NAVAIRINST 5100.7. The
presentation shall be made to the WSESRB to obtain concurrence that the igniter satisfies all safety requirements
and that production may be authorized. The presentation shall be given to the WSESRB no later than 30 days
prior to the Functional Configuration Audit. Fabrication specifications. When specified in the contract or order, the contractor shall prepare a
Type C2b, Critical Item Product Fabrication Specification, in accordance with MIL-STD-490, which defines the
manufacture and acceptance requirements for the igniter. The specification shall be developed according to the
format specified in MIL-STD-961. The fabrication specification shall include quality assurance provisions for first
article and lot acceptance inspections and tests. The contractor shall incorporate detailed classification of
characteristics in accordance with DOD-STD-2101 into the specification. In addition, the contractor shall prepare
supporting specifications (propellant, liner, inhibitor) necessary to control fabrication of the igniter end item. The
fabrication specifications shall be made available to the cotracting activity no later than 30 days prior to the
Functional Configuration Audit.
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