| ![]() MIL-J-7093A (Weps)
Quality Control. - The contractor's quality control system shall
conform to the requirements of MIL-Q-9858. The contractor shall maintain
average and range statistical control charts for each of the ballistic parameters
outlined in 3.3.1 for all production units.
Classificaiton of Inspections. - Inspection of the rocket motors
shall be classified as follows:
(a) Preproduction evaluation (4.7)
(b) Production acceptance testing (4.8)
Lot. - The lot shall consist of motors made from a single batch of
propellant including no more than 30 motors.
Sampling for Production Acceptance.
Responsibility for Tests. - Unless otherwise specified, all tests
specified herein shall be conducted by the supplier under cognizance of the cus-
tomer or his duly authorized Government representative.
Sampling and Tests.
(a) Initial sampling - First 1,000 motors
(b) Intermediate sampling - Next 2,000 motors
(c) Normal sampling - Balance of production
Initial Sampling Schedule. - From the first 1,000 motors produced,
two motors of each lot shall be selected at random. The motors are to be conditioned
and static fired (in accordance with 4.8.3); one at -75F and one at 150F.
Requirements. - Ballistic data obtained from the test firings shall
meet the requirements of 3.3.1.
Nozzle Resizing. - When the results of the above test ( do
not meet the requirements (3.3.1) and it appears that the performance of the pro-
pellant batch can be brought within limits by changing the nozzle throat diameter,
one (1) additional lot test sample shall be fired with the revised nozzle throat
diameter and at a temperature to be specified by the procuring agency. Satis-
factory performance of this test shall qualify the lot for acceptance with the re-
vised nozzle size.
Test Results. - Prior to the initiation of the Intermediate Sampling
Schedule ( the contractor shall furnish the procuring agency, for review
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