| ![]() MIL-J-7093A (Weps)
and acceptance, the results of test firings ( including pressure and thrust
time curves. Abnormal performance, blow-ups or rejection of propellant batches
or motors for defects may be cause for continuation of initial sampling plan, until
adequate verification cation of unit is approved in writing to justify reduction of sampling.
Any revision to test plan is at contractors risk if approval is not granted.
Intermediate Sampling Schedule. - One motor shall be selected at
random from each lot, conditioned and test fired (in accordance with 4.8.3)
alternately at -75F and 150F.
Requirements. - Ballistic data obtained from test firings shall meet the
requirements of 3.3.1.
Selection of Units. - The test motor shall be selected at random from all
the assembled motors of the lot. By specific agreement between the contractor and
the customer, it will be permissible to select the test motor prior to assembly of the
entire lot.
Nozzle Resizing. - When the results of the above test ( do not
meet the requirements (3.3.1) and it appears that the performance of the propelIant
batch can be brought within limits by changing the nozzle throat diameter, one (1)
additional lot test sample shall be fired with the revised nozzle throa diameter and
at a temperature to be specified by the procuring agency. Satisfactory performance
of this test shall qualify the lot for acceptance with the revised nozzle size.
Test Results. - After production of at least 3,000 motors and prior to the
initiation of the Normal Sampling Schedule ( the contractor shall furnish
the procuring agency the results of test firings ( including pressure and
thrust time curves. Abnormal performance, blow-ups or rejection of propellant
batches or motors for defects may be cause for continuation of initial sampling plan,
until adequate verification of unit is approved in writing to justify reduction of
sampling. Any revision to test plan is at contractor's risk if approval is not granted.
Review. - The test data shall be submitted to the procuring activity for
review for the purpose of reducing sampling in accordance with the Normal Sampling
Schedule (
Normal Sampling Schedule. - After the production of the 2,000 motors
under the Intermediate Sampling Schedule ( and upon approval by the
procuring activity in writing, the Normal Sampling Schedule shall form the basis
for acceptance of the assembled motors.
Selection of Units. - One (1) motor shall be selected at random from
each of four (4) randomly selected lots represented in sixteen (16) lots assembled
in sequence. For eighty percent (80%) of the lots, samples may be selected after
grain assembly of the entire lot; and for twenty percent (20%) of the lots, samples
may be selected after motor assembly of entire lot. All tests shall be in new inert
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