| MIL-L-25798D(USAF)
3.4.1 Elastomeric or rubber materials. Unless otherwise specifically
approved by the procuring activity, all elastomeric or rubber materials and
component parts used in the life preserver shall have been manufactured within
12 months of the date of delivery to the Government.
3.4.2 Metals. Metals shall be of the corrosion-resistant type or suitably
treated to resist corrosion due to salt spray or atmospheric conditions likely
to be met in storage or normal service. Dissimilar metals. Unless suitably protected against electrolytic
corrosion, dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate contact with each
Dissimilar metals are defined in MIL-sTD-889.
The tape used in the construction of the
3,4.3 Flotation cell cloth.
flotation cells shall conform to type II, III, or IV of MIL-C-19002.
coated cloth used in the construction of the cells shall conform to type I of
MIL-C-19002 with the exceptions specified in 3.4.3,1. All defects in the cloth
coating not specifically covered by the applicable table of MIL-C-19002 shall
be reinforced on the coated side with 1 inch diameter discs of tape. Not more
than four such discs shall be permitted in any Cell. The discs shall be
applied by cementing.
The following exceptions shall apply Exceptions to MIL-C-19002.
to the type I coated cloth:
Base cloth: The following shall apply in lieu of the sentence that
state: that the base cloth shall conform to the requirements of MIL-C-19377:
The base cloth shall conform to MIL-C-19377 except that any amendments to
MIL-C-19377 shall not apply in lieu of the table entitled "Table of Defects:"
The cloth shall be subjected to quality conformance inspection
which shall consist of testing samples from each lot for con-
formance to section 3 of the specification and an examination of
the sample of the filled shipping container from each lot for
conformance to the packaging , packing, and marking requirements.
A lot shall consist of cloth made essentially under the same
In addition, a sam-
conditions and in a single production run.
ple shall be selected from each lot in accordance with NIL-STD-
105 and shall be run over a bank of lights having sufficient
intensity to reveal defects in the cloth at a distance of 2 feet.
All visible irregularities, including burl marks, shall be con-
sidered defects and shall be graded as specified herein,
(2) Defects up to 1/2 inch in any dimension stall be graded one
point; defects more than 1/2 inch but not more than 3 inches in
any dimension shall be graded two points; defects more than 3
inches but not more than 6 inches in any dimension shall be
graded three points; and defects exceeding 6 inches to full width
of 1 running yard shall be graded four points. For the purpose
of evaluation under MIL-S TD-1OS, the number of points shall be
defined as the number of defects,
The number of points or
defects shall be evaluated using an acceptable quality level of
150 defects per 100 yards.
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