| MIL-L-25798D(USAF)
(3) Three- and four-point defects shall be flagged in the selvage for
removal in the fabrication process. All inperfections protruding
from the surface of the- cloth, such as knots, fuzz balls, SlubS,
and kinky filling, shall be removed by careful hurling before the
cloth is offered for delivery.
Resistance to accelerated weathering: Specimens which are tested by
the grab method shall have a minimum breaking strength of 80 pounds
in the warp direction, 90 pounds in the filling direction, and an
ultimate elongation of 20 percent in either direction after weather-
A colorfastness to light equal to the standard color sample
Access to the standard
shall be maintained after weathering.
color sample may be obtained as specified in 6.3).
Acceptable quality, base cloth defects: After the coating process,
the number of visible defects that are attributable to the basecloth
shall not exceed the number existing in the base cloth and shall not
Critical coating defects will
be considered coated fabric defects.
not be accepted, All coating defects in an accepted roll of finished
coated cloth shall be marked on the defect and at the selvage edge
adjacent to the defect.
All other materials shall conform to the applicable
3.4,4 Other materials.
The color of the flotation cells shall be molten orange, and
3.5 Color.
the color of the exposed cement shall blend with the color of the flotation
The color of the other components shall conform to the applicable
cell fabric.
Variation in the shade of individual materials that is readily
apparent shall not be used in one unit.
The design and constructlon of life life pre-
3.6 Design and construction.
The life preserver shall consist of
server shall conform to drawing 56K3881.
a detachable flotation cell which shall have a mechanical. and oral inflation
The cell shall be packed in a container that is attached to an adjust-
The signal light shall be attached to the cell and the whistle,
able harness,
shark deterrent, sea dye marker, and lifeline shall be attached to the con-
tainer and assembled as specified in 3.6.1.
The life preserver shall be assembled as follows :
3.6.1 Unit assembly.
The flotation cell shall be completely deflated by means of a vacuum source
The inflator assemblies with anti-
through the oral tube and valve assembly.
chafing pads and charged carbon-dioxide cylinders shall be mounted on the
inflator valve stem of the flotation cell. The emergency signal light shall
The shark deterrent shall be tied
be attached to the cell by a snap fastener.
to the grommet on the top left of the container, the whistle shall be tied to
the grommet at the top right of the container, and the lanyard of the whistle
shall be faked and secured by a rubber band to prevent entanglement during
The lifeline shall be tied to the "I?" ring on the harness, and this
remainder shall be faked and secured by masking tape to prevent entanglement
during inflation. The components shall be positioned in the container, and
the flotation cell shall be folded in a way that will provide an even closure
The inflator lanvards shall be routed through the slot in
of the container.
The fasteners shall be connected at the approximate center of
the container.
the container, and the closure shall be continued towards the ends of the case.
All preservers shall have charged carbon-dloxide cylinders installed
prior to final assembly (see 3.7.4))
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