| MIL-L-25798D(USAF)
3.6.2 Operation of preserver. When the complete life preserver is properly
assembled and donned, a pull on the knobs of the inflation lanyards shall.
operate the preserver as follows:
a, Actuate the inflator levers to inflate the flotation cells which
separate the fasteners around the container.
b. The shark deterrent, the sea dye marker, and the signal light battery
shall drop below the cell and, when in actual service, shall enter the water.
Either cementing or pressure-curing by heat shall be
3,6.3 Cementing,
used in the construction of seams, sealing areas, and attachments of all com-
ponent parts of the life preserver. All surfaces to be cemented shall be
clean, and all cement used shall be fresh and shall be mixed within 8 hours
of application. Fresh cement shall not be put into containers containing con
The cement shall be applied over the total contact areas and
gealed cement.
shall extend beyond all seam tapes and attachments by at least 1/8 inch on the
inside and outside of the cells and by not more than 3/8 inch on the outside
After cemented areas are jointed, trapped air and wrinkles
of the cells.
The interior of the cell shall be dusted lightly with
shall be rolled out.
compound conforming to MIL-C-5024 to prevent adherence of noncemented surfaces.
Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, the stitches
3,6.4 Stitching,
used in the construction of the life preserver shall conform to stitch type
All seams shall be back-
301 of FED-STD-751 with 8 to 10 stitches per inch.
Stitching shall not be used in the gas-retaining
stitched at least 1/2 inch,
portion of the flotation cells.
3,7 Performance.
After the life preserver has been properly assembled as
3.7.1 Operation.
specified in 3.6.1, it shall be donned by an individual who shall actuate the
The carbon-dioxide cylinders shall be discharged when a reasonable pull
The flotation cell shall inflate, in the time
is applied to the lanyards.
specified, to the following minimum pressures; 0.15 pound per square inch
(psi) 20 seconds after discharge of the cylinder and 1.0 psi 45 seconds after
The maximum pressure in the cells shall not exceed
discharge of the cylinders.
3,0 psi when the temperature of the flotation cells reaches 70 (plus or minus
2) degrees Fahrenheit. The cells shall not leak after this test.
The flotation cell shall withstand an inflation pressure
3.7.2 Pressure.
of 5 psi for a period of 5 minutes without evidence of failure of the materials
or cemented areas and without evidence of permanent distortion of the cell from
its designed shape.
The flotation cell with components, except the cylinder,
3.7,3 Leakage.
shall be inflated to 2 psi. After 24 hours, the pressure in the cells shall
be not less than 1 1/2 psi.
3.7.4 Cylinder weight. Before the cylinder is installed on the preserver,
the cylinder and the carbon-dioxide charge shall weigh not less than the gross
weight marked on the cylinder,
The flotation cell shall not burst when subjected
3,7.5 Burst pressure.
to a pressure of 12 psi.
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