| MIL-L-25798D(USAF)
3.8,5 Sea dye marker. The sea dye marker shall conform to MIL-S-17980,
except that the attaching tape shall be replaced with a 12 inch length of cord
conforming to type I of MIL-C-5040. The ends of the cord shall be seared to
prevent fraying.
3.8.6 Shark deterrent. The shark deterrent shall conform to MIL-S-2785,
12 inch length of cord
except that the attaching tape shall be replaced with a
The ends of the cord shall be seared to
conforming to type I of MIL-C-5040.
prevent fraying
3,8.7 Lifeline. The lifeline shall conform to the applicable drawing and
shall be attached to the harness as shown.
Excluding the emergency signal light, whistle, sea dye marker,
3.9 Weight.
shark deterrent, and lifeline, the complete preserver shall weigh not more
than 3.0 pounds. The cell, excluding the mechanical inflator and cylinders,
shall weigh not more than 0.70 pound.
3.10 Identification of product. Unless otherwise specified, all markings
shall be made with a durable nonmigrating ink of a color that will contrast
The ink shall have no delete-
with the color of the surface that is marked.
The markings shall conform to
rious effect on the marked surface.
The container shall be marked as follows in 1/4 inch
3.10.1 Container.
letters and numerals:
Life Preserver, Underarm, Casualty, Type MB-1
*Manufacturer' s Identification
*Contract or order No.
*Date of Manufacture
*To be furnished by the Manufacturer,
The flotation cell shall be marked in 1/4 inch
3.10.2 Flotation cell.
letters and numerals on the upper left front, with the following information:
Cell, Flotation, MB-1 Life Preserver.
*Manufacturer's Identification"
*contract or order.
*Date of Manufacture.
**serial Number.
*To be furnished by the Manufacturer.
**Serial numbers will be furnished by the procuring activity.
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