| ![]() MIL-L-45963 Concurrent repair parts. Concurrent repair parts shall
be tested for interchangeability by disassembling two loaders, previous-
ly tested in, as necessary and then reassembling them using
the concurrent repair parts. This test maybe performed independently
of the loader interchangeability test specified in, and at more
frequent intervals using accepted loaders taken from current production. Interplant. Loaders to be subjected to the interplant
interchangeability test shall be inspected for functioning and torque
using the test method specified in 4.6.1 and to assure proper
operation before parts are interchanged. Parts shall then be dis-
assembled from the loader and identified as to manufacturer. Dis-
assembled parts shall be mixed and the loaders shall be reassembled
by random selection parts. After assembly, the loader shall be in-
spected for functioning and torque using the test method specified
in 4.6.1 and Before loaders are returned to the contractors,
the original parts shall be reassembled to their respective loaders.
5.1 Pilot pack. A pilot pack shall consist of a complete loader
packaged in accordance with Packaging Data Sheet P65D9843 to the level
of protection specified in the contract (see 6.2), packed level C and
forwarded in accordance with 3.1.
5.2 Preservation, packaging,packing and markingo Loaders shall
be preserved, packaged, packed and marked in accordance with Packaging
Data Sheet P65D9843 for the level of protection specified in the contract
(see 6.2).
5.3 Repair parts. Repair parts shall be preserved, packaged,
packed and marked in accordance with the Packaging Data Sheet or other
requirements, and for the level of protection specified in the contract
(see 6.2).
6.1 Intended use. The loader assembly MAU-69A/A is intended
to be used, to delink and load 7.62MM ammunition into M18, M18A1, SUU-11A/A,
or SUU-11B/A pod ammunition system, and unload ammunition from the pod
ammunition system.
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the
a. Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Lists of drawings and specifications pertinent to the
loaders, showing applicable revision dates.
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