| MIL-L-48063A(MI)
All soldering shall be in accordance with MIL-S-45743.
3.2.2 Soldering.
3.2.3 Painting limitations. Neither primer nor paint shall be applied
to threads, bearing or working surfaces as indicated in drawings and
3.2.4 Welding. Production of weldment shall not proceed before
Government approval of the welding procedure and of the workmanship required
by MIL-W-22248, Class III.
3.2.5 Epoxy and adhesive. Epoxy and adhesive shall conform to those
specifications appearing on the applicable drawings and shall be applied in
accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer.
3.2.6 Spring embrittlement. None of the springs used in the
fabrication of the launcher shall break when extended or distorted to the
point of minimum permanent distortion.
3.3 Launcher electrical wiring. There shall be no failure of
electrical wiring due to handling or environmental conditions. .
3.3.1 Grounding. All external parts of the launcher and intervalometer,
when installed, shall be at ground potential regardless of selector switch
position at all operating voltages. The resistance between each detent and
every other detent shall be 0.1 ohm maximum.
The insulation resistance of the
3.3.2 Insulation resistance.
wiring harness after installation in the launcher shall be a minimum of
2 megohms at 500 volts direct current (VDC), from conductor to conductor
and conductor to ground.
3.3.3 Wiring harness continuity.
The continuity resistance of the
wiring harness after installation in the launcher shall not exceed 0.2 ohm.
3.4 Intervalometer performance requirements, The intervalometer
nineteen (19) 2.75 Inch
shall be capable of providing firing pulses to launch
Folding Fin Aerial Rockets. The intervalometer shall operate in accordance
with all requirements when input power of 20 to 30 VDC is supplied through a
5 ohm, 25 watt resistor. The voltage may be interrupted as a result of any
type of contact bounce and or switch chatter for a minimum of 5.0 milliseconds
(ms) upon application of power without interfering with the proper operation
of the intervalometer.
3.4.1 Single fire. The intervalometer in single fire mode shall
supply a firing pulse to two Output Pins for each of the first nine
applications of power. The firing pulse shall be a minimum of 1.00 ampere
for 10 milliseconds (ms) minimum to each output pin within 30 ms after
application of power.
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