| ![]() MIL-L-48063A(MI)
3.4.2 Ripple fire. The intervalometer in ripple mode shall provide
firing pulses to launch a full complement of nineteen (19) rockets in
sequence. The secquence shall be pairs of pulses for the first nine selector
switch positions. The first firing pulse shall be applied to the
corresponding pin within 30 ms after application of power, and the
interval between pulses shall be no less than 54 ms nor more than 70 ms.
Each firing pulse shall be l.OO ampere minimum per output pin with a dwell
of 10 ms minimum. The overall time in ripple mode shall not exceed
700 ms from application of power to load position.
3.4.3 Simulated firing. The intervalometer shall meet all require-
ments of 3.4 through 3.4.2 when the rocket motor is simulated by use of a
dummy load consisting of a 1.0 plus or minus () 10 percent (%) ohm
resistor connected for 12 2 ms between each firing pin and ground.
The intervalometer shall function properly when tested using a 1.0
10% ohm load to simulate firing a single rocket. This will insure the
intervalometer will function properly when used in a launcher which
fires one rocket per pulse (a 7 tube launcher) and also in a launcher which
fires a pair of rockets per pulse (a 19 tube launcher).
3.4.4 Radiation hazard provision. The intervalometer shall ground
all output pins when in the load and arm positions. The intervalometer shall
not sequence out of the load position when power is applied. During operation,
all output pins shall be grounded except those receiving a firing pulse.
Grounding shall be verified by the presence of 5.0 millivolts maximum on any
grounded output during application of power. The ground circuit shall ground
the output with a resistance of not more than 0.1 ohm.
3.4,5 Bypass capability. The intervalometer in the ripple mode shall
be capable of continuing through the entire sequence with one or more
output pins short circuited to ground or open circuited. In the single
step mode, the intervalometer shall, in the event of a short circuit to
ground or an open circuit on output pins or pin, attempt to fire and remain
in place. The next application of power will sequence the intervalometer
to the next station. The intervalometer bypass cpability shall withstand
short circuit current without damage.
3.4.6 "Load" circuit. The intervalometer shall have a load and
arm switch. The load position shall internally ground all output circuits
and prevent the intervalometer from being electrically sequenced. The
internal grounding shall be accomplished by means of the ground circuit
3.4.7 "Arm" circuit. The intervalometer shall have a selector arm
position to provide the ground circuit to all outputs, but will also allow
for electrical sequencing. The intervalometer shall be manually switched
from load position to the arm position to provide positive arming of
the unit.
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