| MIL-L-48063A(MI) Static Firing. The intervalometer shall be capable of being
installed in a launcher, approved by the Procuring Activity, and of firing
rockets in accordance with 3.4.
3.5 Launcher performance requirements. The launcher shall safely
and reliably carry and launch seven (7) 2.75 Inch Folding Fin Aircraft
Rockets. The launcher shall operate in accordance with all requirements
when input power of 20 to 30 VDC is supplied through a 5 ohm, 25 watt
resistor. The voltage may be interrupted as a result of any type of
contact bounce and or switch chatter for a maximum of 5.0 milliseconds
(ms) upon application of power without interfering with the proper
operation of the intervalometer.
3.5.1 Launcher functional test. The launcher shall meet all the
requirements of 3.4 through 3.4.9 when the rocket motor is simulated by use
of a dummy load consisting of a 1.0 10% ohm resistor connected between
each contact and the corresponding detent for 12 2 ms duration. When the
intervalometer is installed in a launcher, only the first seven (7) outputs
are used.
3.5.2 Loading. When assembled in the launcher the total of all
irregularities in any tube must not be sufficient to prevent loading or
removal of a 2.75 Inch FFAR. The force to move the rocket through the
tube shall not exceed 20 pounds.
3.5.3 Preparation for firing. Contact arm must adequately contact the
rocket igniter contact surface to sufficiently transmit a pulse which shall
fire a rocket.
3.5,4 Detent operation. The rocket must be positively held in place
in the tube by the detent assembly regardless of launcher orientation or
environment. The detent shall not release a rocket at a pull force of 310
pounds minimum and 350 pounds maximum. The rocket locking portion of the
detent shall fully retract to release the rocket when 20 pounds force is
applied to the detent perpendicular to the axis of the tube. The detent
shall electrically ground the rocket.
3.5.5 Pressure retention. The launcher shipping assembly (356AS100)
shall be pressurized with air to 5.0 pounds per square inch (psi) and the
leak rate shall not exceed 3.0 centimeters per second (sec).
3.5.6 Environmental. The launcher shall safely and reliably carry
and launch seven (7) 2.75 Inch FFAR after subjection to the following
conditions: High temperature. The launcher without shipping covers
shall be subjected to High Temperature in accordance with MIL-STD-81O,
Method 501, Procedure I.
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