| MIL-L-48063A(MI) Low temperature. The launcher without shipping covers shall
be subjected to low temperature in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 502,
at -54C (-65F) for 24 hours min. Shock. The loaded launcher without shipping covers shall be
subjected to shock in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 516, Procedure I
with the exception that only the vertical and longitudinal axis shall be
tested. The vertical half size shock pulses shall have a peak of 10.0 g's
and an 18 ms duration and the longitudinal half sine pulses shall have a
peak of 13.5 g's and an 18 ms duration. The launcher shall retain all the
inert rockets without damage at all "g" levels within the tolerance. Vibration. The loaded launcher without shipping covers
shall be subjected to vibration in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 514,
Procedure I, Curve C. Salt fog. The launcher shall be subjected to Salt Fog in
accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 509 with the exception that the test
period shall be 50 hours. Static Loading Tests. The launcher, without shipping covers,
shall be subjected to the following static loads in accordance with MIL-A-8591.
The launcher center section shall be suspended from a pylon simulating a bomb
rack having 14" suspension. Application of test loadings shall be achieved
in such a manner that the loads are equally divided among the launching tubes
and are uniformly distributed over the length of each. The side (horizontal)
and downward loadings shall be applied simultaneously. Loadings shall be as
a. 2750
20 pounds (13 g) acting downward.
b. 1800 20 pounds (8.5 g) to the side (horizontal).
c. 2750 20 pounds (13 g) acting rearward.
2750 20 pounds (13 g) acting forward. Rough handling. The launcher, fully loaded, shall be dropped
four times from 30 1 inch at 45 1 degree angle onto a solid concrete
surface. Subsequently, the launcher shall be subjected to and pass the
Pressure Retention Test. Firing. The launcher shall be capable of igniting all
functional rocket in a normal manner in both single and ripple modes. It
shall be capable of firing a minimum of twenty-five (25) rounds in succession
from each tube without damage.
3.6 First article tests. This specification makes provisions for
First Article Tests. Requirements for submission of First Article Samples
by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract.
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