| MIL-L-48063A(MI) Single fire. Time to each pulse after application of
power, output current of each pulse and dwell time for each pulse. Ripple fire. Time to first pulse after application of
power, output current of each pulse, dwell time for each pulse and time
between the leading edges of each pulse. Grounding. Apply power when the intervalometer is in the
load position and monitor voltage across each 1.0 ohm load for 5.0 mv max.
4.4.11 Rocket loading. A plug gage simulating a rocket shall be
inserted from the forward end of the tube to the detent. The plug gage
shall be 2.800 + .002 or - .000 inches in diameter for a length of 42.0
inches and a straightness of .003 inches. The gage may be of continuous
diameter through the length or a series of gaging surfaces spaced
no more than 6.0 inches apart. Not more than 20 pounds force will be
used to insert or remove the gage.
4.4,12 Detent operation. Detent pull. A fixture simulating the 2.75 Inch FFAR
with a groove representing the locking groove on the nozzle and fin
assembly shall be inserted into the tube and locked into place by the
detent. Pull force shall not exceed 350 pounds to prevent damaging
the tube assembly. Detent retraction. The detent shall be lifted by a lever
assembly designed to exert 20 pounds force vertically on the exposed
end of the detent. When the force is applied the inspector shall
mechanically or visually verify that the rocket locking portion of the
detent is completely lifted out of the inside diameter of the tube.
4.4.13 Pressure retention. The launcher shall be pressurized
at 5 PSI utilizing a fixture which replaces the shorting pin. A leak
rate in excess of 3.0 cubic centimeters per second shall be a reject.
4.4,14 Launcher environmental tests. When launchers are being
procured less intervalometers the simulated firing test shall be deleted
from the tests below. An intervalometer shall be installed for the
Static Firing and Flight Firing Tests, any timing failure which can be
attributed to the intervalometer shall be disregarded. Initial examination. Prior to starting the environmental
conditioning the following tests shall be performed. Visual examination
for defects, pressure retention, simulated firing, insulation resistance,
continuity, detent operation and loading.
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