| MIL-L-48063A(MI) High temperature test. The intervalometer shall be conditioned
in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 501, Procedure I with the exception
that the period shall be 8 hours minimum. Immediately upon completion of the
environmental conditioning, with the temperature maintained, the sample
shall be examined visually for damage or defects and the Simulated Firing
Test shall be performed. Low temperature test. The intervalometer shall be conditioned
in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 502, Procedure I at -54C (-65F) for
8 hours minimum. Immediately upon completion of the environmental conditioning,
with the temperature maintained, the sample shall be examined visually for
damage or defects and the Simulated Firing Test shall be performed.
4,4.9.9 Vibration test. The intervalometer shall be tested in
accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 514, Procedure I, Curve J and Procedure
II, Part 3, Curve AF. During a resonant dwell and at the end of vibration
in each axis, a Simulated Firing Test shall be performed on the intervalometer.
Immediately upon completion of the environmental conditioning the sample
shall be visually examined for damage or defects. Static firing test. The intervalometer shall be installed
in a launcher. The loaded launcher (warheads and fuzes shall be inert)
shall be suspended from a bomb rack or simulated bomb rack having 14 inch
suspension provisions and test fired. The potential at the launcher connector
shall be 20.0 0.5 volts DC. There shall be a 5 ohm limiting resistor in
series with the launcher intervalometer. The firing sequence shall consist
of ripple firing the loaded launcher, reloading and single fire. The
intervalometer shall fire all functional rockets with a time to the first
firing pulse of 30 ms max and intervals of not less than 54 ms nor more
than 70 ms thereafter. In the single fire mode each pulse shall appear in
30 ms from application of power. Upon completion of firing the sample
shall be visually examined for damage or defects and the Simulated Firing
Test shall be performed. Flight firing test. The intervalometer shall be installed
in a launcher. The launcher shall be loaded with 2.75 Inch FFAR and installed
on a bomb rack. The launcher shall be fired in flight to determine conformance
of intervalometer with requirements and ability to withstand air loads and
vibration imposed by aircraft. The test shall be to fire a fully loaded
launcher in ripple mode, reload and fire in single mode. All rockets shall
fire with proper timing.
4.4.10 Launcher functional test. The launcher shall be tested for
proper timing, output current and grounding at 20 .5VDC supplied through
a 5 ohm + 1% 25 watt resistor in series with one of the power connectors.
Upon application of power, the voltage shall be subjected to variations
similar to contact bounce or switch chatter for 5.0 2.O ms. A dummy
load consisting of a 1.0 10% ohm resistor shall be connected between
each contact and the corresponding detent for 12 ms. The following
values shall be measured:
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