| ![]() MIL-L-48407B(MU)
d. Electrical and electronic assemblies
e. Part identification and marking
f. Workmanship
g. Source control drawings
h. Applicable Quality Assurance Provisions
3.2.1 Assemblies. - Assemblies listed below shall have been inspec-
ted and accepted in accordance with their respective drawings and specifi-
cations prior to being assembled into the laser trainer.
a. Power Supply Module, Drawing F11739861
b. Timing Module, Drawing F11737703
c. Plasma Tube, Drawing Al1746797
3.3 Performance.
3.3.1 Interchangeability.- The laser trainer shall meet all the
requirements of this specification without need for selective assemblies
for any item. Unless otherwise specified in detail drawings or assemblies,
all components shall be interchangeable. No incompatibility shall exist
between the replacement Item and the mechanical interface/fits, or elec-
trical and optical functions of the system. Mechanical and electrical interface.- The dimensions of the
laser trainer mounting ring shall be as specified on Drawing F11741676.
The conductivity between the mounting ring and the mating portion of an
M73 Machine Gun Mount, or suitable simulation, shall be such that DC re-
sistance shall not exceed .01 ohm.
3.3.2 Reliability. - The reliability of the laser trainer shall be
200 hours mean time between failure (MTBF). This MTBF consists of 80 hours
in the continuous mode of operation and 120 hours in the flash mode of
operation. (The flash mode is defined as 1 flash per 3 seconds for 2
minutes followed by a 30 second rest).
3.3.3 Electromagnetic interference.- E.M.I. emission and suscepta-
bility of the laser trainer shall meet the requirements of CE03, CS02,
CS06 and RE02 in accordance with MIL-STD-461 and voltage transients limits
specified in MIL-STD-1275 for the normal vehicle system including batteries
and generators.
3.3.4 Environmental Requirements. Operating conditioner. - The laser trainer shall show no
evidence of damage or deterioration and shall meet all requirements of
3.3.5 under the following environmental conditions. Temperature. - After thermal stabilization at temperatures
of OF and 100 F.
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