| MIL-L-51513(EA)
in water at ambient temperature to a maximum depth of 3 inches (76 millimeters)
below the surface of the water for the required time. A continuous stream of
bubbles indicates leakage.
(b) Push button unit.
(1) Method A. The unit shall be submerged in 3.0 0.5 feet
of water (914.40 milimeters at ambient temperature for 15 minutes. Upon
removal, the unit shall be thoroughly dried and the base plate removed. Any
water found inside the unit constitutes leakage.
(2) Method B . While submerged below the surface of water at
ambient temperature and at a depth of 3 inches to 12 inches, the push button
unit shall be subjected to 1.5 0.5 psig air pressure through an acceptable
test fixture which simulates the cover plate. A continuous stream of bubbles
indicates leakage.
( a ) D i s c h a r g e r r e s i s t a n c e . The resistance shall be measured using
an ohmmeter to determine the resistance between the pin (from) and the contact
pin or body (to) as specified in 3.4.1.
(b) Push button unit continuity. The continuity shall be measured
using an ohmmeter to determine the resistance between the pins of electrical
connector. The resistance shall be as specified in 3.4.2. Insulation resistance. The insulation resistance between pairs of
component circuits and between each circuit and ground shall be as specified in
3.5 when measured at 500 volt direct current (vdc) minimum, for a minimum of 30
5.1 Preservation, level A.
The stowage box shall be packaged and marked as shown on
5.1.1 Stowage box.
Special Packaging Instruction P13-12-176 (M239 laucher).
5.1.2 Push button unit. The push button unit shall,be packaged and marked
as shown on Drawing 13-12-137 (for M239 launcher).
5.1.3 Discharger. The discharger shall be packaged and marked as shown on
Drawing 13-12-61 for M239 and M250 launchers.
5.1.4 Discharger cover. T h e discharger cover (1 left and 1 right) shall be
packaged and marked as shown on Drawing 13-12-137 for M239 and 13-12-60 for
M250 launcher.
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