| ![]() MIL-L-85347A(AS)
3.1 Qualification.
The Type LPU-23B/P aircrewmen inflatable life preservers
furnished under this specification shall be a product which is qualified for
listing on the applicable qualified products list at the time set for opening of
bids (see 4.3, 4.3.1, 6.3 and 6.3.1).
3.2 First article. When specified in the contract or purchase order, a
sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 4.4 and 6.4).
The materials and components shall conform to
3.3 Materials and components.
applicable specifications, standards, and drawings as listed or required herein.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the manufacturer shall certify that
the materials and components, except for the metallic parts used in the
construction of the life preservers, shall have been manufactured not more than 18
months prior to the date of delivery of the life preservers (see 6.2.lj and 6.2.2).
The design and construction of the LPU-23B/P
3.4 Design and construction.
life preserver shall be in accordance with drawing 68A73D21.
3.4.1 Construction details. All details for the component parts and
sub-assemblies, not specified herein, shall be in accordance with the applicable
detail drawings. Patterns. The casing for the life preserver shall be cut in strict
accordance with the drawing 975AS200 furnished by the Government (see 6.2.3).
Government pattern shall not be altered in any manner and shall be used for making
the working patterns. The working patterns shall be identical to the Government
furnished pattern drawing.
3.4.2 Inflatable compartments. The Type LPU-23B/P life preserver shall
Each compartment shall be
consist of two independent inflatable compartments.
capable of being inflated mechanically with carbon dioxide and orally through an
The deflated flotation compartment shall be
oral inflation valve and tube.
attached to and contained in a casing, which shall be worn around the waist, up
The life preserver in its casing shall conform in
the back, and around the neck.
appearance to drawing 68A73H1.
3.4.3 Cut edges. All the cut edges of the uncoated nylon tapes (including
the fastener tapes) and webbings shall be seared, prior to the fabrication of the
life preserver, to prevent fraying. No sharp edges shall be formed.
The color of the adhesive shall be natural
3.4.4 Use of the adhesive.
In all the cementing operations, the surface to which the
adhesive is to be applied shall be thoroughly cleaned with a suitable solvent in
such a manner that the dusting materials (zinc stearate or talc) or any other
surface contaminants are removed. Care should be exercised to ensure that the
coating and the base undercloth are not damaged and the adhesion between both is
not impaired in any way by prolonged exposure to the solvent.
The solvent used
shall evaporate completely prior to the application of the adhesive and shall
leave no residue. Cemented areas shall not contain trapped air, channels, or
excessive wrinkles. The adhesive shall be controlled to ensure that old adhesive
or adhesive which has partly or completely polymerized is not used. A fresh batch
of the adhesive shall be used at least every eight hours during the course of
manufacture. Containers for the adhesive shall be free from congealed
before being refilled.
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