| ![]() MIL-L-85347A(AS)
3.4.5 Cementing of the seams, seam tapes, patches, and attachments. The
construction of the seams and sealing areas and the attaching of the seam tapes,
patches, and attachments shall be accomplished by utilizing the technique and
precautions outlined in 3.4.4 so that, prior to submission of the assembled lIfe
preserver, the adhesive shall have developed its optimum bonding properties and
the adherence of all such seams, sealed areas, seam tapes, patches, and
attachments shall comply with the requirements of this specification. All the
seams, seam tapes, patches, sealed areas and attachments shall be secured by the
adhesive as specified in the applicable drawings. The seams shall be covered on
the inner and outer sides of the life preserver, as applicable, with the seam
tape, as specified in the applicable drawings. All the seam tapes shall be
applied to the seams without tension and shall be applied so that an equal amount
is on each side of the seam edge which it covers. The seams shall be formed
without tension and the patches and attachments shall be applied to the life
preserver without tension.
The adhesive shall be applied in a straight line
parallel to the edges of the seam tapes, patches, and attachments and shall extend
from just being visible to not greater than 3/8 inch beyond the edges of the seam
tape, patch and attachment. The seam tapes which seal circumferential seams, or
where one end of the seam tape comes in contact with the other end of the same
seam tape or another seam tape, shall overlap on itself, at the ends, 3/4. plus
1/2, minus O, inch. The adhesive, when dry or cured, shall Present a neat and
uniform appearance. The adhesive shall not be allowed to remain in clots nor
permitted to extend in such a manner as to result in localized stiffness which
might result in discomfort to the wearer, when the life preserver is deflated or
The adhesive, upon drying or curing, shall not cause the cloth, seam
tapes, patches, and attachments to shrink or pucker at any point on the life
The adhesive shall not be allowed to run over the edges of the life
preserver to form stiff or hard needle points and all the edges around the entire
periphery of the life preserver, both inside and out, shall be free from sharp
points or ragged edges. The life preserver shall be free from congealed masses of
the adhesive and spots or stains resulting from excess adhesive.
3.4.6 Seams and stitching.
No stitching shall pass through any air retaining
compartment. Sewing shall only be used in the construction of the accessory
parts but not in their final attachment to the life preserver. All the machine
stitching in the accessory parts shall be accomplished with Stitch Type 301
FED-STD-751, eight to ten stitches per inch.
Each row of stitching shall be
straight and parallel to the seam edge. The straightness of the stitching in any
row shall be maintained within a tolerance of plus or minus l/32 inch.
The ends
of the stitching shall be backstitched, by overlapping on itself, not less than
1/2 inch. Thread breaks, skips, and run-offs shall be overstitched not less than
one inch. The thread tension shall be maintianed so that there shall not be any
loose or tight stitching and the lock shall be embedded in the materials sewn
no seam shall be twisted, puckered, or pleated and no portion of the
accessory parts shall be puckered, or pleated and no portion of the accessory
parts shall be caught in an unrelated operation and seam. All the thread ends
shall be trimmed to a length of 1/4 or 3/8 inch. The seam edges shall be properly
forced out and shall not contain any folds. No cut end of the nylon tape binding
the edges of the casing shall be visible.
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