| ![]() MIL-L-85347A(AS)
4.6.4 Air. When use of air is specified in an inspection, the air shall
not contain any oil or condensed water vapor.
4.7 Inspection methods.
4.7.1 Visual examination.
Every life preserver assembly shall be visually Life preservers.
examined and dimensionally checked for defects to determine conformance to
this specification. The Classification of Defects as specified in (table IV)
and the List of Defects as specified in (table V) shall be used to classify
and enumerate the defects found. Preparation for delivery.
Each of the fully prepared shipping
containers. including life preservers, selected as a sample unit from the lot,
shall be visually examined to determine that the packaging, packing, and
marking conform to this specification. The list of defects as specified in
table VI shall be used to enumerate the defects found.
4.7.2 Operation (carbon dioxide). The life preserver shall be placed in a
flat condition with release pins removed, and pile fastener tapes separated.
An inflation assembly conforming to MIL-I-23145, Type 11, Style III; a carbon
dioxide cylinder conforming to MIL-C-25369, Type III; and a beaded handle
assembly conforming to MIL-H-85478 shall be installed on each compartment for
this test. The Individual compartments shall be Inflated by pulling the
beaded handles to actuate the carbon dioxide cylinders and the preserver shall
be observed for conformance to the requirements of The preserver
shall be Inspected for conformance to the requirements 3.9.1. Upon completion
of this test and examination the buoyancy Inspection (4.7.5), if required,
shall be performed while the preserver is Inflated with carbon dioxide. Upon
completion of this test and inspection (or the buoyancy inspection) the
preserver shall be completely deflated in the preparation for the pressure
inspection (4.7.3).
The carbon dioxide cylinders and inflator assembly shall
4.7.3 Pressure.
be removed for this Inspection. The bladders shall be inflated with air (see
4.6.4) through their respective oral inflation assembles to a pressure of 5
PSIG. The air supply shall be securely shut off and after not less than 10
minutes the pressure shall be checked, and If necessary, readjusted to the
original pressure of 5 PSIG. At the end of not less than 10 minutes after the
readjustment period the respective bladders shall be inspected for conformance
to the requirements of 3.9.2. Upon completion of this Inspection, the
bladders shall be completely deflated and then Inspected for conformance to
leakage requirements (3.9.3 and 4.7.4).
4.7.4 Leakage. The carbon dioxide cylinders and Inflator assemblies shall
Inflate both bladders with air (see 4.6.4)
be removed for this inspection.
through their respective oral inflatlon assemblies to a pressure of 2 PSIG.
The air shall be securely shut off and after not less than 15 minutes, the
pressure checked and, If necessary, readjusted to the original pressure of 2.0
PSIG. The temperature and barometric pressue shall be recorded at this time.
At the end of not less than four hours after the readjusted period, the
pressure shall be measured and readjusted for any change in temperature or
barometric pressure. The preserver shall meet the requirements of (3.9.3).
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