| ![]() MIL-L-85347A(AS)
4.7.5 Buoyancy. The buoyancy inspection, when required, shall be
conducted in conjunction with the operation (carbon dioxide) inspection while
the life preservers are still inflated with the carbon dioxide (see 4.7.2).
The Inflated life preserver shall be attached to a 60-pound steel weight and
placed in clean, fresh water having a temperature of 73 5 degrees Fahrenheit
(23 3 degrees Centigrade). The preserver shall be inspected for conformance
to the requirements of 3.9.4. Upon comletion of this inspection, the
preserver shall be completely deflated and dried without the application of
5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be Level A or Minimum Protection, as
specified (see 6.2),
5.1.1 Level A. Each LPU-23B/P Life Preserver shall be packaged in
Each life preserver cleaned
accordance with MIL-P-116, Method lC-2(modified).
in accordance with process C-1, shall be dusted with zinc sterate or talc, the
minimum amount required to prevent the polychloroprene surfaces from adhering
to each other in packaged condition. When talc is utilized, it shall be
Each flotation
certified by the manufacturer as asbestosfree (see 6.2.2).
compartment shall be evacuated of air and each oral inflation valve, in closed
condition, shall be tucked in place in the lobe. The life preserver shall be
folded in accordance with drawing 68A73H1 and shall be completely wrapped In
Grade A, 35-pound untreated Kraft paper conforming to UU-P-268. Every
precaution shall be taken to prevent chafing by hardware or fittings. The
wrapped preserver shall be packaged within a snug fitting fiberboard container
conforming to PPP-B-636, Style CSSC, Type CF or SF, ldeather-Resistant Class,
Variety SW, Grade W5c or W5s. The body joint and the top and bottom flaps
shall be firmly glued together as specified in PPP-B-636. The fiberboard
container shall not contain any metal fastening or stitches. All the seams
and joints shall be sealed with water-resistant tape conforming to PPP-T-76,
not less than two inches wide.
5.1.2 Minimum Protection. Each life preserver prepared and folded as
specified in 5.1.1 shall be individually packaged to afford the minimum degree
of protection necessary to prevent deterioration or damage during shipment
under normal environmental conditions and commercial modes of transportation.
Packing shall be Level A, B, or Commercial, as specified
5.2 Packing.
(see 6.2). Shipping containers, Insofar as possible, shall be uniform in size
and shape and of minimum cube and tare weight.
5.2.1 Level A. Six life preservers, packaged as specified in 5.1.1 or
5.1.2 shall be packaged as specified In 5.2.2, except that the fiberboard
container shall be Heather-Resistant Class, Variety SH, Grade V3C and V3S. In
addition, each container shall be reinforced with flat steel strapping or
taped banding in accordance with the appendix to PPP-B-636.
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