| ![]() MIL-L-8S347A(AS)
5.2.2 Level B. Six life preservers packaged as specified in 5.1.1 or
5.1.2 shall be packed edgewise into a close fitting fiberboard container
conforming to PPP-B-636, Style CSSC, Vareity SW, Grade 275, Type-optional.
The container body joint and top and bottom flaps, closure thereof shall be
The container shall be reinforced (strapped) by two
accomplished by glueing.
non-metallic bands, applied in accordance with applicable procedures in he
appendix to PPP-B-636. No metal staples or stitches are permitted on the
5.2.3 Minimum Protection. The packaged life preservers shall be packed
with exterior type shipping containers in a manner that will insure safe
transportation to the lowest rate to the point of delivery. The container
The shipment shall
shall be reinforced (strapped with two non-metallic bands.
conform to the minimum requirements of the rules and regulations applicable to
the mode of transportation selected.
In addition to any special markings required by the contract
5.3 Marking.
or order, the interior and exterior containers shall be marked in accordance
with MIL-STD-129 and shall include the date of manufacture (month and year).
6.1 Intended use. The LPU-23B/P life preserver together with the
automatic inflation device is Intended for use as emergency and life support
equipment by personnel in ejection seat aircraft forced down at sea.
specification does not include the automatic Inflation device which must be
ordered separately.
6.2 Ordering data.
Procurement documents shall specify the
6.2.1 Procurement requirements.
Title, number and date of this specification, including any
Applicable drawings, including revisions.
Government part number, national stock number and quantity
Applicable Qualified Products List
Whether First Article inspection is waived (see 4.4.1)
Name and address of the First Article Inspection facility (see
4.4.1); and the name and address of the Government activity
responsible for conducting the First Article inspection program
(see 4.4.2)
Name and address of the Quality Conformance Verification Inspection
facility (see, and the name and address of the Government
activity responsible for conducting the Quality Conformance
Verification inspection program (see
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