| MIL-L-85532 (AS)
TEST METHOD NO. 3 (Continued)
When started, run engine 15 minutes. After completion of the
15 minute operation, operate the engine as follows:
10 minute idling.
10 minutes half throttle.
(3) 5 minutes full throttle.
Perform the 25 minute cycle three times.
Record temperatures prior to engine starting, immediately
after engine starting, and at 10 minute intervals during engine warmup
and cycling, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Engine oil.
Hydraulic oil.
`K .
During engine cycling, the operator shall perform each of the
(1) Engage and disengage power train to the wheeels.
(2) Operate, through four complete movement cycles, all
brakes .
Mount to and dismount from the operator's position on
the loader.
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