| MIL-L-85546B(AS)
4.6 Methods of
4.6.1 Visual examination. Visual examination shall be made for such defect
as defective metal, burrs, sharp corners, foreign matter, protective finish
defects, marking missing, incorrect or illegible, thread damaged or not full,
holes, slots, radii or chambers missing. Four power (4x) magnification may be
used in performing visual examination for such defects as burrs and foreign
matter. The roughness comparison specimens prescribed in ANSI B46.1 shall be
used as a basis of comparison for surface roughness (finish) determination.
placed in a
4.6.2 High temperature
op eration.
The launcher shall be
conditioning chamber at 160 5F for a period of not less than
4 hours and not
greater than 16 hours. The battery shall be removed from the electronics
enclosure before performing this test.
4.6.3 Low temperature ope ration.
The launcher shall be placed in a
conditioning chamber at -40 5F for a period of not less than 4 hours and not
greater than 16 hours. The battery shall be removed from the electronics
enclosure before performing this test.
4.6.4 Temperature and humidity. A temperature and humidity test shall be
performed on the launcher in accordance with MIL-STD-81O, Method 507.3, Procedure
I I I . The duration of the test shall be four 24-hour cycles.
4.6.5 Recycle time and
( M 1 0 1 ) . The battery shall be fully charged
for the recycle test. The voltage from J2-A to the negative side of the battery
shall be monitored using a multimeter with an input impedance of not less than
20,000 ohms per volt (ohms/volt).
The firing switch shall then be activated and
the amperage from the battery shall be monitored using a current meter with an
accuracy of not less than 2 percent of scale.
4.6.6 Firing pin pe netration (M102). A PVU-3B/E Igniter, Drawing 1335AS260
or a PVU-3A/E igniter, Drawing 1335AS275, devoid of all explosive materials
except the M42 primer, shall be loaded into the launcher breech. The firing
switch shall be actuated after a capacitor charging interval of 140 10
4.6.7 Discharqe time and voltaqe (M103)
The battery shall be fully charged
for the discharge test. The voltage from J2-A to the negative side of the
battery shall be monitored using a multimeter with an impedance of not less than
20,000 ohms/volt. The enable plug shall be removed after the system has
stabilized at 195 20 volts.
4.7 Inspect ion of p ackaging. The sampling and inspection of the
preservation, packing, and container marking shall conform to this specification
(see section 5).
5.1 Prese rvation.
Unless otherwise specified, preservation shall be In
accordance with MIL-STD-2073-1, level C (see 6.2).
5.2 Packinq. Unless otherwise specified, packing shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-2073-1, level C (see 6.2).
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