| ![]() MIL-L-85590(AS)
3.4.2 Shock.
When tested in accordance with, the launcher shall
withstand a series of three half-sine shock pulses of 10.0 0.5 gravity
units (g), 60 to 80 milliseconds (ins) duration, applied to the positive and
negative vertical axes; and a series of three half-sine shock pulses of 13.5
0.5 g, 60 to 80 ms duration, applied to the posftive and negative longitudi-
nal axes. The motors shall not release from the detents, and the intervalo-
meter (MIS-23156) shall not advance during the shock pulses. The launcher-
shall meet the requirements of,,, and upon
completion of the shock test.
3.4.3 Transportation vibration. The palletized launcher shall withstand
two 45 1 minute sinusoidal excitations, covering the frequency range of
five to200 to five Hertz (Hz) in 15 1 minutes at a constant amplitude of
1.5 g peak amplitude (PA), applied toeach of the pallet's three axes for a
total of six vibrations. The motors shall not release from the detents and
the intervalometer shall not advance during the vibrations. The launcher
shall meet the requirements of,,, and upon
completion of the vibration test.
3.4.4 Fliuht vibration. High speed aircraft. The launcher shall withstand two series of
random vibrations, 0.020 0.002 gravity units squared per Hz (g2/Hz) coverfng
the frequency range of 10 to 2000 Hz, applied to each of its three axes for
a total of six vibrations. The intervalometer shall not advance and electri-
cal continuity between any detent contact arm and pin E of JI or J2 shall be
continuous during all vibrations. Within any 10 ms interval there shall be
not greater than five ms of cumulative discontinuity. The launcher shall
meet the requirements of,,, and upon comple-
tion of the vibration test.
While being subjected to its respective helicopter Helicopter.
flight vfbration test, the intervalometer shall not advance, and electrical
continuity between any detent contact arm and pin E of J1 or J2 shall be
continuous during all vibrations.
Within any 10 ms interval there shall be
not greater than five ms of cumulative discontinuity. The launcher shall
meet the requirements of,,, and after befng
subjected to its respective helicopter flight vibration test, and shall
show no evidence of damage or defects.
3.4.5 Salt fog. The launcher shall show no evidence of damage or defects
after being subjected to the salt fog test as specified in MIL-STD-81O,
Method 509, and shall meet the requirements of and immediately
before the test and following a 48-hour drying period after the test.
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