| ![]() MIL-L-85590(AS)
4.5.1 Inspection lot.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract or pur-
chase order (see 6.2.1), an inspection lot shall contain not less than 250
The inspection lot
nor more than 500 launchers of each type being procured.
shall be formed from launchers that have passed the inspections of Table I
and shall consist of completed launchers fabricated from the same materials,
using the same processes and procedures, under the same conditions, and
offered for inspection at the same time.
4.5.2 Sampling.
A sample of four launchers shall be randomly selected
from each inspection lot and forwarded to an independent facility specified
Sample tests
in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2.1) for testing.
shall consist of all tests listed in Table I and Table III. Tests of
Table I may be conducted in any sequence. Tests of Table III may be per-
formed in the order listed in Table III and in the configurations as specified
in Table III.
If any sample fails to pass the tests speci- `%
4.5.3 Acceptance criteria.
fied herein, another random sampling of the same size shall be submitted for
Failure of the second sample shall cause the entire lot to be
When specified in the contract or purchase order (see 6.2.1), re-
jected lots may be reworked and resubmitted for retest upon approval by the
procuring activity.
4.5.4 Individual tests.
Individual tests shall be performed in accordance
with Table I on each launcher submitted for-acceptance under the contract or
purchase order.
The contractor shall maintain test reports showing the
quantitative and qualitative results of individual tests. Such reports
shall be signed by an authorized representative of the contractor, and this
data shall be made available to the procuring activity upon request (see
4.6 Test methods.
4.6.1 Individual tests.
Insulation resistance shall be tested, Insulation resistance.
using a megohmmeter, applying 500 +10 Vdc for not less than five seconds.
This test shall be conducted with The intervalometer and safety pin removed.
The insulation resistance of the power circuits shall be tested from each
receptacle to ground. The insulation resistance of each firing circuit
When any firing
shall be tested from the intervalometer connector to ground.
circuit is tested, all other circuits shall be shorted to the launcher ground.
The launcher shall meet the requirements of Continuity.
Continuity of the power and firing circuits shall be
tested using an ohmmeter connected to each end of the circuit under test.
Continuity of each MK 40 firing circuit shall be tested from the intervalo-
meter connector to the end of the corresponding MK 40 Rocket Motor contact
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